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Last Posted March 9, 2024 at 6:01 AM
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#25 best player in tf2 if you only saw their frag vids in TF2 General Discussion

prolly this guy

posted about a year ago
#99 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

"thats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it"

Joe said 3 facts
1. Trum made a rape threat
2. Trum made a transphobic comment
3. Trum made an inappropriate joke to a minor (on 2 different occasions)

"my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl"

Joe did not say Trum would do these things in real life, Joe did say that someone who acts like this online shouldn't be allowed at irl events. Joe has every right to make a big deal out of having these things said about/to them, because realistically no one should be saying shit like this to anyone, and the only reason Trum is able to say this shit is because he can hide behind a computer screen thus there's no real consequences. Defending this activity is expected because you've spent too long around these types of people already bro.

posted about a year ago
#94 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
Fancy_Elftrum isnt a pedophile or a rapist, he made a joke and it was a joke, it might not be the funniest or most obvious joke but it was a joke :)

yeah because as long as he’s joking about ra** not serious it’s a fine thing to say right?

posted about a year ago
#28 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah let’s only play maps with 10 years of history that sounds really exciting, I bet you still wear the same underpants your mum bought you when you were 12 as they “do the job” @mak

posted about a year ago
#26 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawflickI like testing new maps but not when lan has just been announced :(This is really the problem I have with the map pool. I have nothing against entropy but realistically it will be removed for polish LAN, probably for granary. The ETF2L admins have always had a problem with structuring their seasons around big events.

For example in the season before i63 sunshine was removed from the map pool for cardinal. Then after that season sunshine was added back into the map pool for i63. In the deciding map of the grand final froyotech won 5-0 against se7en on sunshine (this is the last time se7en would ever play froyo).

I don't like that there are asterisks for tournament results because the admins are meddling with the map pool. This isn't CS where there are lans every month, we need to try and make the most of every event and keep the competitive integrity high.

Ok so like, the example of cross region map pool differences effecting that specific LAN is valid. However, I don’t see how all of the European prem teams not playing cp_granary for one season, then assumedly scrimming it before LAN and playing it there has any effect on the competitive integrity of the LAN?

posted about a year ago
#23 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

What I genuinely don’t understand is how people think a map goes from development to “season ready.” There’s experimental map cups and pre season cups hosted consistently in an attempt to gain feedback to progress development, and barely any prem teams play them. The way to collect feedback is by forcing people to play a map, and the only way that’ll happen is by putting it in a season. In order for the map pool to EVER progress past what it is now the admins have to make controversial decisions. If the maps outrageously broken then add the maker on steam and give your feedback with evidence. Change is good, people are always going to complain but I’d rather that than not ever add any new maps in, or only add maps in that have been play tested by NA. Accept that your own experience may suffer temporarily in order to facilitate the future of the game, if you can’t put up with 30-60 mins a week of playing a developmental map that you don’t personally enjoy then you’re selfish and entitled.

EDIT: This isn’t me saying I like entropy or want it in (I couldn’t care less if it is or isn’t), it’s a comment about how little people seem to understand that to make a good map you have to play it, not just in a weekend cup or pug but in consecutive seasons. The first season is never going to be perfect and may not even be good but that’s the sacrifice you make.

posted about a year ago
#6 Insomnia 71 (7-10/09/23) - incl a TF2 Esports Zone in LAN Discussion


posted about a year ago
#56 i71 in September 2023 in LAN Discussion

I plan on going yeh

posted about a year ago
#6 What do you consider your greatest success? in Off Topic

sex with wamen

posted about a year ago
#5 2017 called, SVIFT are back in News

EDK has 120hz and ympo has 80 HD

posted about 2 years ago
#32 GOAT team for your country in TF2 General Discussion

iatgink, funs
Mike, Hugo
Wales actually kinda nice

posted about 2 years ago
#107 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

Dire rizz of a wimpy kid

posted about 2 years ago
#24 If you could bring a dead game back to life in Other Games

gigantic, only real 1s know

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Horsie's Viewmodel Editor in Customization

this actually is OP for spy

posted about 2 years ago
#9 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events
xtradvDo we know what relevant teams are going?

Froyo from NA and witness/tf2easy from EU

posted about 2 years ago
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