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Last Posted November 7, 2015 at 10:51 PM
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#40 V2.0 in News

I just want to keep people updated about the distribution issues:

posted about 9 years ago
#1158 in Projects

Just want to keep people updated - I've been spending some hours now trying to determine the root cause of the item distribution issues. I think I've figured it out and am running it against one match right now. It seems to have distributed the items correctly but payouts are still not working. I'll delve more into this in the morning.

posted about 9 years ago
#1157 in Projects

I talked to Cherry about it this morning and it seems that there are currently two problems:

1. Some matches had problems during item distribution which left some people without any winnings, meaning they can't payout.

2. Some people won items but are unable to payout.

Now that the new site is running and stable we can fix these problems on the legacy site. If you fall into the second category then we'll be running some scripts that should re-enable your payout buttons soon. If you fall into the first category then that issue is a little more complex and you'll need to file a support ticket so that we can send you your winnings directly. It may take us a while to respond because this whole migration has been a "fun" process but we'll get back to you as soon as we can. For those that don't know, the support system is here:

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Saloon Rewrite Progress in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowcrossfire1 key minimum deposit?A minimum deposit wouldn't fit everyone's budget, and I personally enjoyed betting a 10 ref paint on underdogs to cash in a few hats worth + my paint back

I'd just like to point out that this stuff is still in re-design stages and the deposit system is the same as SweetStakes and hasn't been updated yet. We'll likely have a lower deposit limit for the exact reason that you mentioned. We want it to be accessible to all, but we need to find a way to limit bot usage so that we don't run out of capacity.

posted about 9 years ago