You should've just not put that bit in the first place.
It comes off as very obnoxious.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198044000407 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:83734679] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:41867339 |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Signed Up | October 12, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 22, 2014 at 4:17 PM |
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You should've just not put that bit in the first place.
It comes off as very obnoxious.
Never does for me.
I know it was shitty to watch during LAN, but I'm pretty sure most people still like gullywash. provides a service remarkably similar to, except automatically loading tf2 channels.
To join said channels, simply type e.g. /join
If you need physical copies, just print them out.
If your school provides free printing, awesome. Mine doesn't, but my local community college does, so I go there. I figure I'm allowed a little leeway given the thousands of dollars I dump there every summer.
Always download textbooks.
First semester of Freshman year, spent ~$500 on textbooks.
Fall of Junior year, I plan on spending nothing.
Sucks if you can't find your textbooks online, but you can probably buy a shitty used copy for like $20.
When I first started comptf2 everyone told me tf2mix is for players of all levels.
Case in point: MemphisVon was in my first ever mix.
Derpusindigoyuki vs shruggeri saw shrugger vs yuki in mge on tagg's stream
battle of the back muscles
shrugger won 20-7
Was it soldier v soldier?
Always assume your number of votes, up or down, is not the total number of people who voted.
All caps titles are obnoxious, and may be why people are minus fragging you.
I like your idea though. Or at least an option to make it more than 30 per page, up to 100.
I agree with owl.
Kill medics, give everyone slow regen. Better yet, don't even give them regen. Let them all die.
Where are you getting these updates from?
Looks incredible.
Do you run windowed mode? Try fullscreen if you do.
And vice versa.
I remember just a while back when metalworks was in rc3 people wouldn't stop bitching at me for picking it in pugs. But I don't think people are so averse to new things as they are to being ignorant (of hiding spots, spawns, most importantly the meta) Then again when I ask how they expect to learn a map without playing it the typical response I receive is to kindly fuck myself, so who knows what really transpires in their elaborate thoughts.
That's silly advice. Each cookie facility has a certain value, and to optimize cookie production you need to calculate the production to cost ratio carefully.
For instance, mines are worth 2.5 times factories, so once the cost rises past 800 it would be better to invest in the 2000 cookie mine... one might think. But there's production lost in waiting for that 2000 to fill, so the actual limit is higher. Probably a bit over 900.
Grandma cookies are unique in that their production rate increases with subsequent upgrades, but as it stands they're rather worthless in the beginning stage until at least alchemy lab comes out, so I suggest you mass invest in them after you get portal.
Likewise, shipment is worth twice mines, so wait till the cost of a mine is at least 4000 before getting one. I'd recommend waiting until shipment is at least 20000 before getting alchemy lab, as the gap between those two is considerably large and a lot of opportunity costs are gained by waiting out the 70000 at a slow rate.
Cursors are worthless until elder pledge. Don't put much into it.