I thought Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez was fascinating.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198044000407 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:83734679] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:41867339 |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Signed Up | October 12, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 22, 2014 at 4:17 PM |
Posts | 659 (0.1 per day) |
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Raw Input | 0Â |
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Monitor |
JasPerhaps get rid of some of the columns? Like PPM, FPM, DPM, CPC, CPB, DOM, REV?
As a non-ESEA player I'm not used to the stats layout so it always takes me a while to figure out what each column is, and adding extra columns that doesn't really add anything to the game just complicates matters.
Perhaps with less columns you can put the team stats side by side and make it bigger, as it can be hard to read if you can't stream at 720p (again as an overseas viewer I have this problem quite frequently).
I know why you're minus-fragging his suggestion, but it does occur to me that points and ppm stats are pretty useless indicators. Perhaps just those can go?
There aren't any config.cfg in my custom folder to the best of my knowledge, and my steam cloud is off...
But anyway, the argument is moot since Protato's suggestion seems to have done the trick. Thanks all
So is it good to have raw input, disengage?
Thanks enigma. Can't say any of your links helped though unless my problem is that my configs aren't read only.
Thanks, I'll give it a try
Since we're here, what does raw input do?
And is there a console command to re-exec configs? I thought I heard it during a stream somewhere...
When I clearly put it into 6.0 every single time I play tf2
I'm starting to believe that this is because I put it into my configs somewhere
and yet I can't find it
Can someone help me?
Oh that does sound like a better idea
Forgive me it's been a long day
I'm so sorry dude, I'll put a spoiler alert
So I just got home after a long day at work/school. My friend faithfully reports that the AG v Mad Men game was great and that I should watch it.
Naturally, I open teamfortress.tv to see if the vod is up yet (since I usually find old vods by double clicking offline streams) only to see the following:
I mean what? Seriously, what is this shit.
Sorry, I just had to vent just slightly, only slightly, about this. I know it's a very unlikely scenario that happened to me and very much not worth reconsidering how teamfortress.tv streams are shown. But really?
Proposal: Black out the results from stats after the match. People who were watching should know anyway, and people who weren't and happened to unfortunately wander in during the brief window of time don't rage.
Thanks for reading. Good night.
basic doesn't know who I am
Try some Korean classics:
전람회 - 취중진담 (Kim Dongryul - Drunken Truth)
패닉 - 내 낡은 서랍 속에 바다 (Panic - The Sea in My Old Drawer)