I've had adblock disabled on tf.tv for the longest time. I had no idea that ghostery also blocked the ads for you. I guess I was just used to seeing "turn off adblock" that it never occurred to me that it shouldn't be showing.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198044000407 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:83734679] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:41867339 |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Signed Up | October 12, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 22, 2014 at 4:17 PM |
Posts | 659 (0.1 per day) |
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Raw Input | 0Â |
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djc decided it wasn't worth his time, I'd guess.
It does seem like each article took a lot of effort.
What's the point, I'll never find a team in any league and die alone and unhappy
Once had the pleasure of a brief chat with him in mumble post-pug.
Seemed like a very enjoyable person.
Something strange is happening.
A number of people interested added me between yesterday and today, and made arrangements for tryout sometime in the near future.
And now they're silently and mysteriously removing me from their friends' list.
Can anyone comprehend that?
kiriHRG 5 - 2 AG
HRG 5 - 1 Vector
HRG 5 - 0 .iT
HRG 5 - -1 mix^ ????
The chain of logic is inexorable.
He also said that he was pugging under alias just last week, and promised to come and cast some games.
Keep the hope alive.
Hey man, I have a real life friend who's in hh and he doesn't go around saying he's the sniper god incarnate.
They just enjoy TF2 like the rest of us, and I think the bashing is somewhat excessive.
Personally I'm hoping for that in-game pug system that everyone was whining for a while back.
One time, I asked dashner on a pub server he used to frequent how he was so good at jumping.
He spent the next half-hour giving me 1 on 1 advice on jujumpit.
Great guy.
I live in Eastern (Jersey baby) and... pocket. Was my post too long? I sort of felt that it was, but I tend to have too much to say for my own good. Do I need a tl;dr? What do you think?
Edit: Found a team, thanks loves.
chippySnowyKNHUD menus and fonts don't load for mezeftnothing, it's the same for me.
Looks like I missed a few curly braces. Download it again now, it should work just fine.
Well fortunately(?) for you, your error got you a new BXHUD user for now.
Thanks for the hard work.
KNHUD menus and fonts don't load for me
What am I doing wrong?