Account Details
SteamID64 76561198058753054
SteamID3 [U:1:98487326]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49243663
Country United States
Signed Up February 12, 2017
Last Posted August 17, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Posts 166 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro wirelss
Keyboard SteelSteries Tkl
Headphones Sennheiser 599Se
Monitor MSI Optix G32C4W
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#8 Is windows 7 still worth it in Hardware

Just use a bare-bones Windows 10 install and do some Reg/Service edits, I think Mastercoms even has some recommendations on stuff to help out performance

Personally I use Atlas-Window 10, but I couldn't really recommend it unless you wanna dig through all its own issues.

posted about a year ago
#48 Soala LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about a year ago
#19 Config porn in Customization

Lauch option: -nosrgb

-Only works with Dxlevel 9+
Not sure if there's a difference between dx9 or dx10.

posted about a year ago
#1 What do you consider your greatest success? in Off Topic

What's something you've done in life or tf2 that you consider to be one your best achievements?

While Ive never really gotten too far into the upper echelon of tf2, Ive managed to gain a decent following and living just by doing art for folks.

posted about a year ago
#24 wats a game u wish u were good at in Off Topic

Mario 64 Speedrunning

posted about a year ago
#1 Favorite activity/hobby besides Tf2? in Off Topic

We all play tf2 in some form or another, but what's something else you really enjoy doing besides this video game?
Personally I've made my art hobby into a real passion, and it's one of the main things I do besides play Tf2.

posted about a year ago
#27 Competitve horror stories? in TF2 General Discussion
JefffffThere was ALWAYS that one mother fucker on your team that did not listen to the team leaders 7 posts and 5 @‘s about updating their esea client which caused the team to play 5v6 for 2 rounds minimum

One of my least favorite experiences back in Open Esea was a team-mate who worked night shift.

He would come into the mumble around 5 minutes before matches complaining, go afk to get an energy drink (at least a 7 mile journey through the himalayas.) then come back having forgot to update his client.
He also had to work right after matches, so if things went on too long he'd just leave.

posted about a year ago
#1 Competitve horror stories? in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe it was a pug that left its mark on your very soul, or a real awful match.
What's the worst of the worst you've had to endure.

posted about a year ago
#1 Meals that give you power? in TF2 General Discussion

Ill be real, I used to subsist off chicken nuggets and pizza, but after expanding my diet, I've felt a lot better and more energized.
Recommend me something you've found that keeps your energy up and you feeling good.
Bonus points for recipes people can follow.

posted about a year ago
#3 what % of 6s power comes from DM in TF2 General Discussion

Dm certainly is important and you need it, but tf2 is so dynamic that you can make up for your lack of skill in some aspects by just being better in others.
Though if we're down to the grit I'd say 25%, growing upwards with more confident playstyles // roles where you can take fights purely on being the stronger dm player.

posted about a year ago
#2 forgotten game mechanics in TF2 General Discussion

If you're crouched against a wall directly to your right or left, look at a slight angle horizontally away from the wall and hold your corresponding movement key against the wall awhile moving forward/back, you'll go faster than normal crouching.

Not a perfect example, but here's it being used.

posted about a year ago
#47 Soala LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about a year ago
#1 Best matches in tf2 history? in TF2 General Discussion

From Open to Invite, there's always gonna be a few exciting matches every season, whether its the best of the best going for that number one spot, a team getting a miracle upset win, or just teams goofing around for entertainment.

What are some of the best matches you've seen played out over the years?

posted about a year ago
#7 What is your oldest fondest TF2 memory? in TF2 General Discussion

Back in 2011-2012~ I was running hardware that couldn't even touch tf2, and I remember clicking to join a community server, getting up to make food and coming back a solid 15 minutes later to me still connecting to said server. All to enjoy my 10fps experience.

posted about a year ago
#16 Favorite team memory? in TF2 General Discussion

I know it's Highlander but this genuinely was the catalyst that won our team Grand-finals a week later.
This is an actual official that happened.

posted about a year ago
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