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SteamID64 76561197961994392
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Country United States
Signed Up March 11, 2017
Last Posted May 23, 2023 at 8:47 AM
Posts 447 (0.2 per day)
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#8 need chair in Off Topic
i’ve heard this one is really good, has a $40 coupon on amazon rn + an extra $20 off with a code on their site to use on it

I got this one at the discounted price. It's a good, comfortable chair. For the first time I know how it feels to have proper neck support

The only gripe I have with it is that the cushion is slightly too short for me. If I sit in the same spot without shifting for too long my legs get tingly. But I don't sit down for too long at one time so it doesn't matter as much

posted about a year ago
#5 need chair in Off Topic
nillocfacebook marketplace

Dude I wish but I live in the middle of fking nowhere, there are no good options

posted about a year ago
#1 need chair in Off Topic

because my chair broke, i'm searching for a new one. my desk height is like 30 inches and i am 6'2", not sure if that information helps

i don't really care what it looks like, i value comfort over appearance. preferably just an office chair

budget is around $150-200

let me know if you have any recommendations!

posted about a year ago
#1 Potential monitor upgrade in Hardware

For a few months now, I have been considering the possibility of upgrading to another monitor. Currently, I have the XL2546K.

On the other hand, the only monitors I've ever used are TN panels at 1080p. I was thinking about upgrading to the XG27AQM to get a newer experience at 1440p with an IPS panel, but I'm not sure if it is worth the price.

For uses, I plan to use it for everything--video editing, watching movies/tv shows, playing games.

If anyone has better recommendations, my budget is around $700 (tax/shipping included).

posted about a year ago
#2 chatgpt in Off Topic

Grant "clockwork" Hanley is my favorite TF2 player hands down

posted about a year ago
#23 Your career as a weapon name in Off Topic


posted about 2 years ago
#33 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#16 Self-deprecating humour in Off Topic

I think it is very healthy for a person to be able to laugh at themselves. There is a difference though, between a joke that pokes fun at some of our foibles and a constant stream of self-hate that is disguised as humor. People who are only self-deprecating are no better than people who are only self-aggrandizing. You need a healthy balance in all things, and that includes humor

posted about 2 years ago
#3 RGB lan shoutouts thread in LAN Discussion

Shout-out to Altra for letting me sleep in his hotel room
Shout-out to Kami for driving us around the area for great food
Shout-out to Voosh for the gratuitously long Ethernet cable
Shout-out to my team for being incredibly hospitable and greatly assisting me with set-up
Shout-out to any of the people who had the courage to instigate conversation with me (Stranded), life can be really dull watching everyone walk around pretending like you don't exist
Shout-out to the staff/volunteer members for keeping the area safe and fulfilling our gamer needs
Really hope I can do this again sometime

posted about 2 years ago
#8 crashing problem on linux in Q/A Help
hpqoeuhi, turns out i probably had the same issue yesterday trying to play a lobby, kept crashing, seemed pretty random as to why, happened while i was BATTLING the enemy and happened when i was dead in spec. updated my hud, removed mastercoms and nothing seemed to make a difference, so probably some kind of bug introduced in the last update

good to know, i was beginning to think it was a hardware issue because nobody else was talking about it. have you had issues playing other games too?

posted about 2 years ago
#6 crashing problem on linux in Q/A Help
RAONICALIASSoldierRAONICALIASthe causes all sound really random, but one thing that struck me was the fact that the game crashed while changing your sens. Are you on Wayland by any chance? It might be possible that libSDL2 has some issues setting the sens on Wayland, so the game thus crashes. if you are on Wayland, try using this envvar to run TF2's SDL2 stuff in a Xorg server (Xwayland):

i'm using x11. i've literally tried everything down to removing config commands one by one and nothing has resolved this issue. i'm surprised it isn't more widely being recognized, because it seems more like a hardcoded issue with the game at this point
if that's the case I'm going to take another shot in the dark and ask if you're using NVIDIA. might be a driver problem - I have a Radeon and don't have this issue, but it'd make sense if Source games worked well on Windows and poorly on Linux, then

yes, i am using nvidia drivers, currently version 525.78.01.
this is my thought too, that the nvidia drivers are causing the problem.
i tried to revert back to a prior version, but i wasn't able to do this without breaking something in the process.
i recorded a video in l4d2 showcasing the stuttering, and i also recorded a video in tf2 where i crashed but it doesn't really show anything that could help diagnose the problem. i don't have any stuttering issues in tf2, it just looks like the video stopped on the last frame (where it crashed) until i ended the recording.
if the video is in 360p it's still processing, i just uploaded it

posted about 2 years ago
#4 crashing problem on linux in Q/A Help

another update: i decided to play l4d2 for the hell of it, and on linux, i have these awful freezes/fps drops which makes the game almost unplayable. i drop from 300 to what feels like 5 fps every other second.

i'm not sure if this discovery has anything to do with what i've been dealing with in tf2, but it feels like it is. i booted up l4d2 on windows directly afterwards and there are no performance issues at all

if anybody has some answers or pointers i will gladly appreciate it, this whole thing is beginning to drive me mad :(

posted about 2 years ago
#3 crashing problem on linux in Q/A Help
RAONICALIASthe causes all sound really random, but one thing that struck me was the fact that the game crashed while changing your sens. Are you on Wayland by any chance? It might be possible that libSDL2 has some issues setting the sens on Wayland, so the game thus crashes. if you are on Wayland, try using this envvar to run TF2's SDL2 stuff in a Xorg server (Xwayland):

i'm using x11. i've literally tried everything down to removing config commands one by one and nothing has resolved this issue. i'm surprised it isn't more widely being recognized, because it seems more like a hardcoded issue with the game at this point

posted about 2 years ago
#1 crashing problem on linux in Q/A Help

for the past week or so, tf2 has been crashing on linux. it normally happens when i die and the deathcam zooms in, but it's happened randomly too on one occasion when i opened the console to change my sensitivity

i've tried almost everything i can think of: verifying the game files, reinstalling the game, changing my config, changing my hud, playing with no config at all, reinstalling my operating system, changing my operating system entirely to another linux distro, swapping kernels

after all this, tf2 still crashes. am i the only one experiencing this? what else could i possibly do?

posted about 2 years ago
#1214 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

Anyone have this m0rehud edit


posted about 2 years ago
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