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Signed Up May 26, 2013
Last Posted August 2, 2013 at 12:13 PM
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#23 Garm3nHUD in Customization

garm3n is gud

edit : garm3n dot isnt working i get a "L" as crosshair :'( when i enable it

posted about 10 years ago
#523 yahud in Customization

I'd like to make the ammo smaller on the old "blank lower version". You said to do it, on the new version, to change "boldnumbers54" but how do i do it on the old blank HUD. That's what i ask.
And also for the health size thanks

posted about 10 years ago
#483 yahud in Customization
whayayNinjaeCan you re-add the crosshairs from garm3n where if you were buffed, it would change to a certain colour and if you were low on hp it would change to another colour?
I cut those to clean up the animation file. If you want them back I can give you rough instructions how to add them back in yourself. The fonts are still there, so if you add them back to your HudPlayerHealth.res file they will show up.
The tricky part are the animations. You'll have to find your crosshair in the old HudAnimations file in the original scripts folder & add those to the new Health Pulse events in the current one. Doodles' guide might help you if you haven't tinkered with this stuff before.
SouthSileniai prefer the old one finally for some details, im too lazy to edit :p

Just need help on how to change size of ammo/health on the old HUD ?
I tried to search "boldnumbers54" but on the old clientscheme one, i can't find it.

I'm not sure what you mean. The font that's used for the new HP & Ammo display is not part of the old clientscheme.

i would like to make the ammo and health smaller on the old hud

posted about 10 years ago
#480 yahud in Customization

i prefer the old one finally for some details, im too lazy to edit :p

Just need help on how to change size of ammo/health on the old HUD ?
I tried to search "boldnumbers54" but on the old clientscheme one, i can't find it.


posted about 10 years ago
#469 yahud in Customization


i changed the health and ammo size, changing the "boldnumbers54" but now the overheal and low hp background is not centered on my hp.
how could i change pos of the overheal background ?


posted about 10 years ago
#40 AdvSpec in TF2 General Discussion

just need to work with POV and this plugin is complete :)

posted about 11 years ago