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Signed Up May 13, 2013
Last Posted March 28, 2024 at 9:37 AM
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#18 Dragon Ball Super in Music, Movies, TV

I wonder how many hours of my life have been spent watching DBZ characters Power-Up and just grunt through the TV screen episode after episode.. I am glad there is no way to calculate this number because I think it would be quite depressing.

posted about 8 years ago
#45 how do i make the boy i like like me back in Off Topic

From personaly experience, you are likely only setting yourself up for heartache. Even if you get him/her to notice you, it will likely be nothing more than a fling when you want it to be much deeper.

Chances are that someone great for you is right in your company all the time but you don't notice or ignore thier attention because you are focused on someone else.

posted about 8 years ago
#298 Vent your anger in Off Topic

No anger but regret.

I regret not starting TF2 when all my old Quake friends were begging me to play on the first day of release. I was addicted to WoW at the time and chose that over TF2. Huge mistake.

I also regret not having enough time to devote to TF2 now as I did when I was younger, like playing for hours on end during weekdays and such. It is the single most important factor that has slowed my progression, IMO.

posted about 8 years ago
#243 ESEA-IM S23 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

With 17 teams in IM, I don't see why all teams don't have a full schedule set right now. Play every team 1 time and you have 16 matches.

There shouldn't be any reason to play some teams twice at the end of the season because teams die mid season.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News
fahrenheitSpaceCadetshorasGunslinger is barely useful against 2 Soldiers and a Demo.
I have to disagree to a point. Sure a soldier/demo can destroy the gun easily but you are also wasting ammo on a structure that can be rebuilt very quickly. That alone makes the gunslinger effective in some situations.

On maps with large mids, like Process and Sunshine, it can be even more effective as a counter to scouts who like to rush demo's and medics or for any agressive scouts that like to make room for their teams.

And it provides just enough knockback to make a soldier lose his momentum with jumping. It's essentially like a low resource area denier for scouts and jumping soldiers.

Tbh I think the gunslinger would be interesting to see since it's not particularly powerful but it's also not just insanely useless

Plus playing gunslinger engineer is incredibly fun. At least for me I enjoy DMing around my mini very much

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News
shorasGunslinger is barely useful against 2 Soldiers and a Demo.

I have to disagree to a point. Sure a soldier/demo can destroy the gun easily but you are also wasting ammo on a structure that can be rebuilt very quickly. That alone makes the gunslinger effective in some situations.

On maps with large mids, like Process and Sunshine, it can be even more effective as a counter to scouts who like to rush demo's and medics or for any agressive scouts that like to make room for their teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#168 ESEA-IM S23 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

BLANC is dead, update your list

posted about 8 years ago
#11 SpaceCadet`HX -- IM Roamer -- LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

bumping, already paid up for IM. Looking for tryouts

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Invite Database - Season 22 Update Complete in TF2 General Discussion

Tery what have you done?

I will have to put an Asterisk on record breakers like Barry Bonds!

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Invite Database - Season 22 Update Complete in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylin terms of deaths per minute viaduct is by far easiest because if you're losing your spawns are quicker (and if you're dying that much, odds are you're probably losing)
but unless nobody caps or there's a bunch of double overtimes the most it can go is like 45 minutes or so, so you'd have to have 1.5 deaths per minute to beat 66 deaths

I guess I can agree to a point. I would still think that if anyone would break that 66 death record on Viaduct specifically, it would be on purpose and not legit. The only way to hit that DPM mark is to feed non stop for mostly all of the match.
More importantly, the rest of the team would need to carry that player, win 3 rounds and force OT. That player would even need to feed the other team when his team is controlling the point.

posted about 8 years ago
#75 Pub catchphrases that grind your gears in TF2 General Discussion

Whenever someone in a pub says they "play competitive" then talk about mainclassing pyro or spy.
Gets me shaking my head every time.

posted about 8 years ago
#129 ESEA-IM S23 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Losing IM will be a tough hit to take for competitive TF2. It will not kill the game or anything but it will be a massive step backwards. I have been through this type of thing several times in the past and it has rarely turned into a positive.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 froyotech adjusts roster after Insomnia58 in News
TheWandererWait hold on a sec. I am watching shade's FROYOTECH stream right now and it appears that B4nny is actually pocket and Paddie is on scout with Freestate.

I don't think it matters what roles they interchange at this point.
This lineup is far ahead of any other invite team this season IMO. Should be an intense battle for 2nd place.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Invite Database - Season 22 Update Complete in TF2 General Discussion
yaugamr still holding the record after all these years for most deaths in a single match. now i remember why we cut him

Getting more than 66 deaths in a single match is going to be very difficult to beat in a legit way. The last time a player has even achieved 55 deaths in a single match was alfa during Season 18 so it has been quite a long time.

That record and clockwork 82 frags in a single match may be almost unbeatable at this point.

I am not even sure what map in the rotation offers the best chance for 60+ deaths. When amr got 66 deaths, it was on Freight and the match went into OT for over an hour. I am still not sure how that was possible on Freight because of all the choke points but it happened.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Invite Database - Season 22 Update Complete in TF2 General Discussion
CitricDo you know which season(s)?

Standin was only played during Season 10

Here is the match you are looking at:

a cool 444 dpm, must have been fun on demo.

posted about 8 years ago
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