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Last Posted February 10, 2014 at 3:15 AM
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#500 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

It was enjoyable.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Where is this song from in Off Topic ???

posted about 11 years ago
#69 rip invite in TF2 General Discussion

Ode to a Sakura (Otherwise Known as Poem for a Female Child)

Soaring forever towards the lofty sky
You fly as though on angel's wings
And in the view of mine watering eye
Proceed to "wreck" most everything.
In our hearts, eternal, will you fly
Carried by a love unrivaled by kings
For the anime which you were mastered by
And all joy from within you brings.
Burn no more at our bedsides
For you feel no more flame in your heart
And search well for pastures greener
That pain again shall not start.
And know that in us all resides
A regret both sharp and tart
That in view you found us meaner
And thus must with us part.

Oh, were it a dream, and I could see
The name in mumble that we pine for
Perhaps I could turn fate and be
Just a little kinder.
Through the clouds forever, you will soar
Living through our memory
But with us now no more.

Though the coals may have dimmed
In misty morning haze
I can hope they will be remade
With an even brighter blaze.
Sadness your spirit hemmed
And so you left us in a daze
But let fondness for you never fade
And live to happier days.
Nevermore may you roam upon our silver screens
But forever in our hearts and our fondest dreams.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 ESEA-Invite: iT vs. WELOVEANIME in Events

We've been trying to get jav to calm down with all this anime shit but he just keeps insisting.

posted about 11 years ago
#90 Personality Types in Off Topic



dat 100% introvert

Also I feel like the description might have been right at a point, like I was probably idealistic at one point, but then the world crushed all my dreams so I stopped being idealistic. And how can I help people if I try my hardest never to interact with them in real life? I feel like they didn't think this through.

posted about 11 years ago
#147 Introducing TFTV+ in News
LangeSparrowI disagree. I think that players are far more likely to agree with names they know than anything else. There are tiers to these things that (prior to the elimination of blue names based on invite status) looked like this: well known player with blue/green > well known player > lesser known player with blue/green > everyone else.

I guess your argument is that people who are well known or have green names are responsible and won't misuse their reputations. This isn't really fair because it's not as if every player who would get recognition for making invite would misuse their names, and it doesn't mean that every player who is well known or has a green name now is consistently responsible and won't misuse theirs. Basically the elimination of blue names/lack of recognition for player experience etc. just seems to impede on the process of newer players actually becoming well known/respected in the community.

I think that you're extrapolating my argument to absolute terms, when I am not framing it as such.

I am not arguing that people who are well known or have green names are automatically responsible. I am not proposing a perfect scenario where bandwagoning and groupthink do not exist. I am suggesting small changes that I believe could potentially reduce the amount of these things. The name colors are a small change, and the difference may not even be perceptible. The removal of frags would be the much bigger change, that I think would have a more pronounced effect.
the301stspartanI think Lange has a point. But I also think that invite players are fucking good at tf2 and this is a tf2 website.
If you are a newb in competitive tf2 and you are browsing a tf2 thread, it should be safe to assume that invite players are knowledgable.
If you decide to read a thread about dota, religion or US finances and take a blue name's opinion for a fact, it's your own fault. That makes you a newb IRL (read: stupid).
I don't think that invite players should lose bragging rights to make it harder for some people to be stupid.

This is a valid point. We are a TF2 website, and letting people know who to listen to on TF2 affairs seems quite reasonable. Your point about "user-beware" when it comes to listening to TF2 experts on worldly matters is also sound.

My main concern though is with the treatment of players within our community. Sometimes, all it takes is a single post from an invite player lambasting someone for that individual to be completely ostracized and humiliated. This is what I am most interested in preventing. I should have made it clear that this was my main goal from the start.

I think you're missing my point. Your original post was about how allowing players to be recognized based on skill was a bad idea because it was possible for them to more easily influence the opinions of others. I think you sort of changed your argument to say that removing blue for invite means there will be less instances of a player having the ability to influence others.

I'm saying this is unfair because there already exists a number of people on the site who have name recognition that is influential in the opinions of other people. They have this regardless of their name color. By taking away blue names, you take away any additional influence of lower or less well known players who are newer to invite, but don't do anything to take away the influence of well known invite players, or even your own influence. Regardless of whether these players misuse it, they have it, and removing blue names makes it more difficult for other newer players to gain it, regardless of whether they would misuse it.

Also as to the last part of your post, getting rid of blue names doesn't get rid of invite players, therefore the situation you posed there is literally not at all impacted by the lack of blue names. What you should have said is "Sometimes all it takes is a single post from someone other people know is an invite player. . ."

You're basically interested in preventing people from knowing other people are invite players without having to look at esea rosters.

posted about 11 years ago
#144 Introducing TFTV+ in News
LangeSparrowWell if you really carry this to its eventual logical outcome, we should all be posting anonymously. You already have significant name recognition in this community, as do many other streamers and high invite players. If people bandwagon behind blue/green names they're just as likely to bandwagon behind well known names regardless of color.
We've gotten a little far from my original point, so let me back it up a bit.

I think that differentiating players based on skill is bad, because of reasons I've already outlined. I have no problem with the donor blue names, or any other name colors. It's just the skill-based system that I think is questionable right now. (But it's already been eliminated, so everything is okay there)

Frags also play a significant role in discouraging constructive discussion. -50 minus frags are not going to tell someone what they've done wrong as well as a few carefully constructed sentences.

As for name recognition, that is of course a factor, but it is less blind than the invite username color & frag systems. There will still be bandwagoning, but to less of a degree.

I'm not so foolish as to believe that an internet forum can be anything close to logical, professional, and moderate. However, I think that with a few simple changes, things can at least be better. I'm talking about small steps here, not completely challenging the fundamentals of online communication.

I disagree. I think that players are far more likely to agree with names they know than anything else. There are tiers to these things that (prior to the elimination of blue names based on invite status) looked like this: well known player with blue/green > well known player > lesser known player with blue/green > everyone else.

I guess your argument is that people who are well known or have green names are responsible and won't misuse their reputations. This isn't really fair because it's not as if every player who would get recognition for making invite would misuse their names, and it doesn't mean that every player who is well known or has a green name now is consistently responsible and won't misuse theirs. Basically the elimination of blue names/lack of recognition for player experience etc. just seems to impede on the process of newer players actually becoming well known/respected in the community.

posted about 11 years ago
#142 Introducing TFTV+ in News
LangeSparrowLangeKanecoMaybe have a little badge for Invite/platinum/prem etc on the forum post banner and keep all the other stuff in the player profile?
I think that visibly differentiating players based on their apparent skill level is a bad idea. We've already seen numerous cases of disrespectful or outright hateful groupthink that occurred largely because one or two users posting in a thread had blue/green names. As unfortunate as it sounds, people often falsely assign clout to higher-skilled players, even when the matter at hand has nothing to do with TF2 skill.

So then I assume you advocate black names for all?

I think that having the staff of the site be visible is okay, as long as those staff members are responsible. The number of staff is significantly smaller than the number of invite players, so they are easier to monitor and moderate. In addition, staff should be invested in the public perception of the website, so you'd hope that they try to portray themselves in a vaguely appropriate manner. Enigma has recently revoked staff rights from at least one individual due to unacceptable behavior. That said, I'm not so attached to my green name that I wouldn't be willing to give it up.

Well if you really carry this to its eventual logical outcome, we should all be posting anonymously. You already have significant name recognition in this community, as do many other streamers and high invite players. If people bandwagon behind blue/green names they're just as likely to bandwagon behind well known names regardless of color.

posted about 11 years ago
#135 Introducing TFTV+ in News
LangeKanecoMaybe have a little badge for Invite/platinum/prem etc on the forum post banner and keep all the other stuff in the player profile?
I think that visibly differentiating players based on their apparent skill level is a bad idea. We've already seen numerous cases of disrespectful or outright hateful groupthink that occurred largely because one or two users posting in a thread had blue/green names. As unfortunate as it sounds, people often falsely assign clout to higher-skilled players, even when the matter at hand has nothing to do with TF2 skill.

So then I assume you advocate black names for all?

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Introducing TFTV+ in News

wow all those seasons for nothing no blue no nerd honor

posted about 11 years ago
#31 S15 ESEA-I Preds in TF2 General Discussion
blinKThis is easy... First two might be interchangeable depending on who plays what classes, but their experience, game sense, and team work alone makes them 1-2 without a doubt.

1) iT (banny)
2) Mixup (plat)
FAR 3) Watch This
FAR 4) One Two Tree
FURTHER 5) Grillz

Then everyone else.. Like every season. lol

Basically if you're not on banny or plats team it's a tough spot to be in knowing you have basically 0 shot at being #1. After so many people quit this past season though maybe the teams will mix up a bit more in the future and make for a more competitive invite division.

I feel like invite would be MUCH much more fun to watch if we had 8 captains being formed from the best players as individuals, and do a draft. Then teams would be more evenly balanced and have to really work on team work all over again and deal with the unfamiliar personalities. That would be something i'd actually pay for.

Based on scrims thus far the 4th spot really isn't even close to set in stone. Let alone the 5th. That could obviously change over the course of the season, but the bottom 6 is pretty even right now.

posted about 11 years ago
#337 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
mThePretenderdo you just make shit up and hope that your writing is so bad that nobody finishes reading anyway?sometimes you gotta hit that big 18 foot jumper dawggggggggggggg

Also you should probably read this:

and after i say that i point out directly that each one of your points is fucking retarded

saying youre a moron and then saying why youre a moron isnt ad hominem

saying your ideas are bad because youre a moron is

keep telling yourself that mge doesnt help and lets see how far you get

This sort of implies that you NEED to play mge to be successful in higher levels of tf2 which isn't really true. I've played with plenty of people who were good and rarely, if ever, played mge. Of course I guess now I'm on the biggest mgelord/mgetryhard team of all time but phrakture bl0ws anyway so mge probably isn't required to be good at tf2.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Most insolent frag. in TF2 General Discussion

he was aiming for the demo.

i laugh every time.

posted about 11 years ago
#292 mge alts eXposed in TF2 General Discussion
IbbyYou can usually tell who's an alt by their play-style.

Ma3la has ok rocket aim, relic plays spire or ammomod mge and is usually drunk, phrakture plays pretty lame and stradivarious, well idk why he has an alt??!

Funny story: Phrakture leveled up his alt, played against his own alt using his main account and kept on winning (!remove after 3 kills), and tried to level up his main account's MGE elo.

I have more MGE stories.

MGE is kinda fun, let's leave it at that.

Wow, you guys let that phrakture clown make invite? What were you thinking?

posted about 11 years ago
#41 S15 Invite Poll Is Up in TF2 General Discussion

One day I'll have a blue name.

posted about 11 years ago
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