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Signed Up October 9, 2018
Last Posted May 25, 2021 at 9:20 AM
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#1 Net_graph command not working properly in Q/A Help

I've had the net_graph on tab bind for years now, i've stopped playing tf2 for awhile and when i come back the bind simply does not work as intended anymore. the colorful graph appears but the fps, ping and other info simply isn't there, i thought it may be a hud issue so i deleted it, then i thought my bind may somehow be outdated so i grabbed another one from cfg.tf but nothing seems to work.

the bind in question is:

alias +tabgraph "+showscores; net_graph 4"
alias -tabgraph "-showscores; net_graph 0; timeleft"

alias graphtoggle incrementvar net_graph 0 4 4

bind tab +tabgraph
bind - graphtoggle

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Audio files just slowly not playing anymore in Q/A Help

i haven't had much time lately to test the issue but now i've done it,i've re-downloaded the game with no mods and scripts and yet the problem still persists.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Audio files just slowly not playing anymore in Q/A Help
perhaps the answer to this thread could help you as well.

i checked it out,apparently that's not my problem,but thx either way i'll check for third party programs that may be fucking tf2 up in a indirect way.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Audio files just slowly not playing anymore in Q/A Help
ijreI'm assuming your console says nothing out of the ordinary?

you'd be correct to assume that,but sometimes a specific message pops up,it's something about failed audio sample rate and then a number in parentheses but generally when this pops up on the console the problem that i'm refering to isn't active,it's a lil weird but i don't really know what it means.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Audio files just slowly not playing anymore in Q/A Help
n0stop cloud sync and then slowly reinstall ur stuff to find out whats wrong

had this problem years ago that my hitsound was fucking my game up

that's weird af,didn't know that something as small an insignificant as this can fuck the game up,my tf2 isn't really mod heavy tho,i have budhud,a particle mod that makes it easier to see the overheal effect,comanglia's config and my hitsound and killsound and that's pretty much it but i will check it either way thx.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Audio files just slowly not playing anymore in Q/A Help

So for a while now this weird problem started happening with me,as i play the game the sounds slowly stop playing.
the first ones are the killsound and the hitsound,followed by the demoman scream when charging disapearing,then footsteps then voices,you get the idea,so every 10 to 15 minutes or so i have to type snd_restart on console so things can go back to normal.

help plz

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Mouse on screen problem in Q/A Help
mastercomsTry playing around with setting m_limitedcapture_workaround to 0 or 1.

I've been testing both for about half an hour,it seems that the problem is solved(at least a lot better than how it was).

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Mouse on screen problem in Q/A Help

Ok so,since i downloaded mastercoms's low config i've been noticing that every time that i start tf2 up and join in a server the mouse cursor appears on the screen when i move my mouse fast enough,and when it does i can't click it's so frustrating that the game becomes almost unplayable,so i've searched everywhere and i've found no way to fix it,so i tried deleting the cfg and i started tf2 with -default and -autoconfig on the launch options,didn't work,tried to unistall the whole game and download it again,didn't work.
i've read that it may be because windows calls back the mouse to the desktop because there's some program on the background sending data to a server,so it could be a virus,but at the same time that i've discovered that i tried putting tf2 on windowed mode and then back to fullscreen,and it worked,the problem disappears when i do this,but it's annoying to do this every single time i launch tf2,at this point i understand that it may not be the cfg but it was weirdly coincidental.I'm betting my last hope in here.

posted about 5 years ago
#5780 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

There's one thing that i've noticed among all huds,the ammo and hp bug if you die when they're already low,so they stay red until they're low again,sometimes it doesn't happen tho,but it seems to be a code problem since it never ever happens in the stock hud but it happens in almost every custom hud,i'd like to see if anybody has a solution for this problem.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Please help, how can I fix this issue? in Q/A Help

Or maybe that's just pErsPEctivE

posted about 6 years ago