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Last Posted January 8, 2016 at 10:46 AM
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#6 Framerate changes increasing movement speed in TF2 General Discussion
DamnEasyCl_showpos 1 do it again with that on

I have done and I get a constant 400. Since the game is moving faster, it can't tell that I'm moving faster.

hooliScruffMcGruffwhen you start hitting 1000 fps tf2 starts freaking out. At least this is what people have said so that might be what you are experiencing.esp when you're hosting the server

Happens to me outside of my own servers, too. It's just easier to show on my own server because I can get more consistent framerates.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Framerate changes increasing movement speed in TF2 General Discussion

I was messing with framerate and I noticed something. When my FPS increased, my movement speed did also. I've made a video showcasing this problem here.

For reference, framerate was 600-1000 depending on the area, and my specs can be found here.

Additional test; doesn't affect firerate but affects reload speed.

posted about 9 years ago