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Signed Up May 29, 2014
Last Posted December 3, 2014 at 2:40 PM
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#196 Coolest Alias in TF2 in Off Topic

One of my favorites is my friend Thwip

posted about 10 years ago
#57 $ 2,000 Boston LAN interest? in TF2 General Discussion

A place to go besides PAX, yes please!

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
snowblindfrogSthenoSo uh. As our engineer my ake on this is: we agreed to a rematch, had no one tell us we cant have a new demo and heavy on our team. Wanted to play with them, but instead get shut down because of your lack of communication skills, by informing us that the two players cant play 3 minutes after ttonightscheduled match time.
I was not aware you had rostered them until 5 minutes before the match.

Yes, but I think that it's either s3's fault, or possibly your own for not checking for a whole 24 hours. And yeah, youre not going around checking everyones roster, but s3 should be aware of who they are versing. Or atleast, in my opinion, SHOULD have versed

posted about 10 years ago
#37 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
snowblindfrogSthenoSo uh. As our engineer my ake on this is: we agreed to a rematch, had no one tell us we cant have a new demo and heavy on our team. Wanted to play with them, but instead get shut down because of your lack of communication skills, by informing us that the two players cant play 3 minutes after scheduled match time.
I was not aware you had rostered them until 5 minutes before the match.

Yes, but I think that it's either s3's fault, or possibly your own for not checking for a whole 24 hours. And yeah, youre not going around checking everyones roster, but s3 should be aware of who they are versing. Or atleast, in my opinion, SHOULD have versed.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
snowblindfrogSthenoSo uh. As our engineer my ake on this is: we agreed to a rematch, had no one tell us we cant have a new demo and heavy on our team. Wanted to play with them, but instead get shut down because of your lack of communication skills, by informing us that the two players cant play 3 minutes after scheduled match time.
I was not aware you had rostered them until 5 minutes before the match.

Yes, but I think that it's either s3's fault, or possibly your own for not checking for a whole 24 hours. And yeah, youre not going around checking everyones roster, but s3 should be aware of who they are versing. Or atleast, in my opinion, SHOULD have versed.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
hanbroloMango_CarnotHow did my WHOLE TEAM waste their time? It was actions of only 4 people. Last time I checked HL takes 9.
Your whole team played an entire fucking match with people who weren't on the roster. Even with your lack of awareness I'm pretty sure you could tell that the two people in mumble weren't your regular players. Your entire team is responsible for the ringers, they all participated in making UGC admins have to deal with this shit. This is a fucking steel highlander match, why do you guys care that you got suspended for a week.

A.) Its 2 weeks, and 2 months for our demoman
B.) Yes, im going here. They started it. Theyre the ones who were well aware and didnt bother saying no.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Spread in TF2 General Discussion
snowblindfrogOP - As I have already emailed you

Recap of events:
1. During your original match you requested the use of 2 ringers which S3 denied. You then brought in 2 additional ringers under alias accounts to play the match. Seeing no competitive history on those players S3 had no reason to deny. This was an extremely deceptive thing to do...which you showed zero remorse for having done when I confronted you.
2. In light of your poor conduct as a leader I reset the match and required you to replay
3. In the meantime between the first match and the rematch you rostered the 2 players involved in the initial deception that lead to the match being nullified.
4. I advised you (through Kumori - one of our senior admins) that these 2 players were suspended from the rematch for their involvement in the initial match.
5. After stating this information, Kumori (who was in the server at the time) was killed in game and then the following was typed to her from members of your team:
biga- : lmao killed u nigger (immediately after killing her)
Invad3r : hey kumori
Invad3r : u gonna ban me from ugc if I tell u off? lmfao
Invad3r : idiot autist

Because of this incredibly offensive response your team is suspended from the league, thus forfeiting this rematch and your match next week. The 2 players Inad3r and Biga have been removed from your team and are also banned from the league for 2 months.

I am amazed that you have the audacity to go around on our forums, here and Reddit crying admin abuse and admitting no wrong doing.

So uh. As our engineer my ake on this is: we agreed to a rematch, had no one tell us we cant have a new demo and heavy on our team. Wanted to play with them, but instead get shut down because of your lack of communication skills, by informing us that the two players cant play 3 minutes after scheduled match time.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Spread in TF2 General Discussion

It's true, I'm the engineer on this team and we're all saddened. I hope some people see this and recognize that we really didn't do anything "wrong" AFTER using the alts and agreeing to a rematch. :^) ~Stheno

posted about 10 years ago