Used to play 6v6 in ESEA-O/Int during S5-S7 as roam soldier and decided to start playing again more casually in PUGs/DM servers.
I literally have no idea what's been going on the past 3-4 years though, so...
I used to use Flame's/Community HUD and made further tweaks to it... what HUD is currently popular/the closest to that if people are familiar with it.
With all the new updates is the allowed weapons pretty much the same i.e. vanilla weapons with only a few updated items like ubersaw/melee weapons?
I'm assuming I can just check the servers tab for current DM servers, what about PUGs? I used to use mIRC with captain picks and tf2lobby, do people still use those or is there a better solution now lol?
Anything else I should know having not played competitively since like 2010? Thanks.