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Signed Up February 7, 2014
Last Posted February 10, 2014 at 7:33 PM
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#23 Positional Audio in TF2 General Discussion

I would use it, but I can't seem to find Team Fortress 2 in the list of supported games, which is weird considering it's there for Left 4 Dead 2.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Steam Community overlay busted for TF2 only? in Q/A Help

Would Lange's overlay be causing it? I mean, the thing is, it seems that the steam community is just disabled entirely, because when I try to access the store, it says "you must enable the steam community to access the mann co store". It's not just the steam overlay, the entire steam community doesn't work with it.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Steam Community overlay busted for TF2 only? in Q/A Help

So, I have both checkboxes enabled for the steam community, before anyone suggests that, so that's not the problem. What's weird, is that as soon as the issue started with TF2, I could access the overlay in PAYDAY 2 (which, prior the the issue with TF2, I couldn't access the steam community). Normally, this isn't a big issue, but it also prevents me from accessing the Mann Co. Store. I've seen people suggest defragmenting TF2, but I don't know how you do that, is it in properties or what? Or if anyone has any other advice, please let me know, thanks.

posted about 11 years ago