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SteamID64 76561197996812767
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Country Singapore
Signed Up April 17, 2013
Last Posted December 21, 2014 at 1:04 AM
Posts 33 (0 per day)
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#1 [STREAM] Summer in Requests


I'm Summer, one of the top players from Asia with only top 3 placings over the past 4 years.

I'll be streaming mostly pugs during the weekend when i'm not in the army, and maybe scrims. There'll be AF events mid-jan and for the rest of 2015 so don't miss out! Streaming schedule isn't fixed, but mostly during weekends.


posted about 10 years ago
#41 AsiaFortress - An Idiot's Guide To Competitive TF2 In Asia in News

Amril, seeker, hcaz and maybe rep had less than 70 ping when they beat galaxy in season 3 iirc, who played with 100ish on an SG server

The following season they played a joke mix in th finals and not surprisingly won without trouble.

Most recently (end 2012) a slightly weaker team that had snowblind, amril + 4 lost convincingly on even pings, against a team that doesn't even speak the same language bar yuki and myself.

Most teams here don't practice because we cant have events that churn out the number of teams the way OWL does, let alone etf2l or esea. Even then, we're plagued with shitty connections and language barriers

posted about 10 years ago
#60 Games for kids in Other Games

Putt putt, Arthur & DW,jump start grade series, Freddie fish are great games for young kids.

Around 6 y/o my dad got me zoombinis, Lionel's train town and monkey island.

Sports and racing games aren't too bad either!

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Team Immunity Roster Change: Termo replaces Bulk in News

I have both played and talked to him before.
I always want to bring foreign players into a small scene, esp prem level players, but when he started insulting people for not being good, it made a really bad first impression for people playing with a real 'pro' they had seen on streams or frag clips for the first time.

Regardless of how good you are, it's really unbecoming of a professional figure to be a snob. Sure im not in any position to judge since I last heard from him months ago, but first impressions count for a lot.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Team Immunity Roster Change: Termo replaces Bulk in News

Hope you know what you're doing yuki, no doubting termos ability but no doubting his level of autism either. Maybe things've changed, idk but all the best nonetheless

posted about 10 years ago
#38 games for bad pc in Off Topic

All of the monkey island games

posted about 10 years ago
#4 HELP! Tournament Formats in TF2 General Discussion

Can confirm looking at 8 teams

posted about 11 years ago
#34 TFTV ZOWIE Invitational #2 Recap in News

Will zowie invitational be brought to aus/asia/south america?

posted about 11 years ago
#251 EVO 2013 - Fighting Game Championship in Esports

Matches were great, well done to fellow country-mate Xian :)

Singapore to take tf2 i52 LAN!

posted about 11 years ago
#37 Worst Movies Ever in TF2 General Discussion

Shaolin Soccer was pretty good if you watched the original, not the shitty english dub since it's meant to be funny

A dumb movie for me would be gay niggers in space or megashark vs crocosaurus

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Ban Stock Weapons in TF2 General Discussion

Asiafortress (and Ozfortress)have held offclass cups before. Idk about the ozf version but most AF 6v6 regulars found it pretty stupid.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 NYAAAA? in TF2 General Discussion

Hi Helig

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Asiafortress Mercenaries Cup highlights by Lei in TF2 General Discussion

Asian tf2 will only grow :)

We're going to have the upcoming Asiafortress League 7 around July or August, and we're going to have a new set of scrim servers located in Hong Kong which will give our region roughly 40 - 70ms, it'll be great! (we're used to 90 - 180)

Hopefully tftv will help promote or even cast some of the bigmatches. They'll be amazing to watch, because hey, we're Asians therefore we are robots :P

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Asiafortress Mercenaries Cup highlights by Lei in TF2 General Discussion

Most of the Japanese/Korean players don't really speak english so it will be tough.. unless we could a translator

Talking to natapon would be the best since he's pretty much the "head" of AF for now and has been active in the scene since '08. I would help but i'll be joining the army this Thursday so i would only be free during certain weekends T_T

posted about 11 years ago
#183 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

I just refreshed the picture and saw:

"Fatal1ty Gaming Gear: This was not the relic match. This was other Taiwanese gamers who challenged me at ASRock Fatal1ty Gaming Gear Booth."

With regards to the supposed 29-0

posted about 11 years ago
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