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SteamID64 76561198816127818
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:427931045
Country Finland
Signed Up May 12, 2024
Last Posted January 3, 2025 at 12:23 PM
Posts 9 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.732
Windows Sensitivity 10
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper v2 Pro
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Core RGB
Mousepad Walhaut Large
Headphones HyperX Cloud 2
Monitor BenQ XL2411P
#7006 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
i know the locations of where they are in the files but every time i try to move them they just fully dissapear all i want is the marked for death be above my hp and the snowball weapon counters be above my ammo but even moving the number just makes it dissapear im using Lighthud made by hypnootize

posted 1 month ago
#1 How to move these elements in Customization
i know the locations of where they are in the files but every time i try to move them they just fully dissapear all i want is the marked for death be above my hp and the snowball weapon counters be above my ammo but even moving the number just makes it dissapear im using Lighthud made by hypnootize

posted 2 months ago
#1 Any way to get rid of all grainy in flat textures in Customization i have mat_filteringtextures 0 and it gets rid of most grainy things but these metal textures in sunshine and propably some other maps still have it

posted 3 months ago
#4 any way to remove death screams and more in Q/A Help
AdjeThis vpk file should remove all screams. Works fine for me.

I did find one ages ago in a set of vpk's that supposedly removes basically every sound but I didn't try it out, so idk if it works in the way you described. Maybe worth trying out:

the 1st one works with sv_pure 0 but not with sv_pure 2

posted 4 months ago
#1 any way to remove death screams and more in Q/A Help

The merc death screams and pain sounds are really annoying sometimes so is there any config that removes all even med calls cuz only mods i found from gamebanana dont work with sv_pure 2 and only makes all sounds cut off and not silent and also in sv_pure 0 the med call and burn sounds are from pre-fortress from some reason i want all the mercs to be completely silent no matter what voice command they use or take any type of damage

posted 4 months ago
#1 Is there a way to remove domination/revenge sound in Customization

I play on 0.2 ingame and 30 in windows and id rather not get earraped everytime i get dommed or dom someone and ive already tried to use mods from game banana that remove it but didnt work even with sv_pure 0 in walkway and i tried to copy silent sounds and put them to custom folders but didnt work either and if there is a way to remove em i need them to work in sv_pure 2 too

posted 5 months ago
#1 Is there a way to remove domination/revenge sounds in Q/A Help

I play on 0.2 ingame and 30 in windows and id rather not get earraped everytime i get dommed or dom someone and ive already tried to use mods from game banana that remove it but didnt work even with sv_pure 0 in walkway and i tried to copy silent sounds and put them to custom folders but didnt work either and if there is a way to remove em i need them to work in sv_pure 2 too

posted 5 months ago
#36 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion

Thought this was known already

posted 6 months ago
#1 12v12 comp format in TF2 General Discussion

Ive had this idea of a 12v12 comp format rent free and i would try to make it seem balanced.
class restrcition 1 of each expect 2 for soldier, demo and sniper you would have
1scout, 1soldier, 1trolldier, 1pyro, 1demoman, 1demoknight, 1heavy, 1engineer, 1medic, 1sniper, 1huntsman, 1spy
and u are not allowed to switch between subclass and normal during the match

Weapon bans for each class:
Scout: Crit-a-Cola, Mad Milk
Soldier: Rocket Jumper
Trolldier: All damage dealing primaries and secondaries expect mantreads
Pyro: Scorch Shot
Demoman: Booties, Shields
Demoknight: All damage dealing primaries and all stickies
Heavy: No weapon bans
Engineer: Short Circuit
Medic: Vaccinator
Sniper: Huntsman, Machina, Jarate, Danger Shield
Huntsman: All hitscan primaries, Jarate
Spy: Diamonback
Gamemodes are only koth bo7 and maybe steel or a couple 5cp and payload maps

the reason i went with trolldier ,demoknight and huntsman is cuz those subclasses change the gameplay of all classes and subclasses the most. Scout doesnt have any subclasses that switches his playstyle enough. Trolldier changes soldiers normal gameplay alot cuz u cant deal any damage outside from stomp and mg. Pybro is just the homewrecker and no comp maps have water for pyroshark. Hybridknight could be played with normal demo so i thought only allowing shields for knight and no launchers for knight so u have to play normal demo or full demo knight. Fatscout is just stupid cuz u can use ur primary but just refuse to and u should be able to have something equiped for each slot so it would be dumb to just remove all heavy primaries. Battle engi is already played in koth if u think gunslinger changes engis gameplay enough for it. Battle medic same reason as heavy and its not good at all. Huntsman changes sniper playstyle heavilly so thats why i went with it but also a rule that normal sniper cant go huntsman. gunspy is already played and runs the same reason as fat scout and battle med. So Trolldier, Demoknight and Huntsman could be totally different classes compared to their normal counterparts so thats the reason i chose those out of all subclasses. Cuz they are played way differently and could make some people to play comp who main any of those 3 and doesnt play much of the normal class but this format could be just a fun mode too cuz it can be too chaotic when 12 people per team in a koth map.

posted 9 months ago