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Last Posted December 30, 2017 at 12:34 PM
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#22 stretching resolutions in Q/A Help
200Actually, if you have Nvidia -m series GPU in your laptop, your drivers just don't have an option to stretch the resolution regardless of the version. I have no idea why, but even some of the very latest Nvidia mobile GPU drivers are still missing that very important feature. Since this thread was necro'd anyway, I'll post an actual solution to the problem.

- Download Hotkey Resolution Changer
- Make a hotkey to change your resolution to whatever you'll be using in game
- Set resolution from the launch options (e.g "-full -w 1024 -h 768")
- Launch the game, hit that key. Boom, it's working. If it doesn't, try setting your resolution to your actual desktop one and then change it back.

I wasted a couple of weeks looking for ways to stretch the game without having to use integated gpu, I hope it helps. I'm not sure how this program works, you don't usually even have to launch it again. It's been working for me for like 2 years (only had to redownload and use it once after some driver updates).

Is this supposed to work for your WHOLE computer? I expected it to only mess with one application (in this case stretching TF2), though once I hit my key my whole entire screen changes, not just the game alone

posted about 7 years ago