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Signed Up October 19, 2015
Last Posted December 1, 2024 at 12:38 PM
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#8 I want to become a TF2 caster. How do I start? in TF2 General Discussion

all I did was cast over some old demos once and then 8 months later asked essentials to cast LAN and they said yes and also helped me get into tftv casts. it really is no science it seems

posted about 4 years ago
#9 RIP Rick May :( in World Events

unironically one of the, if not THE best character in TF2


posted about 4 years ago
#48 ETF2L ban crouch peaking as sniper in TF2 General Discussion
hamahamSeinfeldwe ban people for typing the letter n in chat, eu bans ppl for pressing ctrlya cuz we got our minds on the game while u got ur mind on trying to nonce children u pedo 100 100

king reply

posted about 4 years ago
#3 ETF2L S35 W1: Les fakecallers de l'extreme vs. synonim of perfection in Matches

match page links to a match from season 11 lmao

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Mic Thread #69000 in Hardware

used to use an Audio-Technica AT2020 USB, amazing mic for the price.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 mouse recommendations in Hardware

yeah get a model o/o-, they're extremely good and reasonably priced

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Hey guys, didn't you hear tf2 is dead? in TF2 General Discussion

so no $100,000 major? what a bummer.

posted about 5 years ago
#103 BTS 2020 LAN cancelled in News

imagine if the organizers actually took any money, so on top of people losing money to flights and hotels, they'd also lose it to something short of an elaborate money laundering scheme

posted about 5 years ago
#3 overwatch 2 announced in Other Games

$60 DLC

posted about 5 years ago
#77 b4nny doesn't support iseries in TF2 General Discussion

Reminder that i63 viewership was also greatly impacted during finals because RTGame literally sent over like 6000 extra people after finishing his stream that night.
Also, attributing the overall decline in viewership of TF2 to the format instead of, I don't know, the fact that the game is older than at least half its regular playerbase and hasn't had a meaningful update in over 2 years?

posted about 5 years ago
#39 b4nny doesn't support iseries in TF2 General Discussion

In an ideal world a no restriction, no class limit based format would certainly create lots of innovation and new strategies and make competitive play more appealing to beginners.
However, in the state the game is currently at (and will realistically stay in for probably eternity because Valve lol), it's not really feasible.
Unless MAYOR weapon and class rebalancing takes place, you can't really convince me that a game where people can run 5 heavies versus 5 engis is more fun to watch or play for anyone nor that it would be less "stagnant" or "slow paced".
I do think that the fact we essentially only play 5CP does exacerbate this, and that other gamemodes might very well develop completely different flows, but it seems there aren't enough maps (being made) to really support this. Naturally, it has also pretty much become consensus that 5CP is, on average, probably still the most fast paced, maybe tied with KOTH, depending on the map.
It honestly just boils down to both how willing people are to stray from what has been established for over a decade, because, if you think about it, there's definitely a reason as to WHY something stays a certain way for a long time.
The same ideas that would bring us some great strats that people could experiment with would in turn immediately develop their own metagame.
People (especially outside of competitive) like to call the current meta "stale", yet do not understand that if there were absolutely no restrictions the meta would simply shift to something most people wouldn't consider any better (Vacc meds, several heavies, 5 scouts, who knows).
Again, ideally, ANY strategy would have a working counter strategy, but as is the nature of class-based games, achieving such balance is nigh impossible.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/10/19 (Scream Fortress XI) in TF2 General Discussion

all they have to do is pull stuff off the workshop and they somehow only managed to find 2 maps?

how did it become even less than previous years? The maps were the only somewhat redeeming part

posted about 5 years ago
#8 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News

Holy shit

posted about 5 years ago
#22 sin(NISLT) is back after 2 years in Videos

some of his actual frag videos using comp footage were decent tbh

posted about 5 years ago
#1 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Time for one of these again.

Thank you to essentials for putting on a good show despite the shortcomings (most of which were out of their control)
Thank you for also letting me cast despite having next to no experience at all.
Thank you Ascemt.NA for coming over and putting on a great fucking show (and being the NA team we really wanted to see tbh)
Thank you anyone that bought me drinks, I barely ended up spending my own cash idk how.
Thank you to anyone that I got to meet again, or for the first time, you're all lads.
Thank you Birmingham for actually having good weather for once.

Thank you for coming
I'm going back to lurking
C U @ next year

posted about 5 years ago
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