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Signed Up March 5, 2021
Last Posted April 17, 2021 at 3:18 PM
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#6 Would it be possible to make PUG Community Servers in TF2 General Discussion
okyaaaYou need a lot of interest. These kinds of things kinda just die out. I remember the competitive pubs they had would get a bunch of people for like an hour then die out for the rest of the day.

It's still worth a shot, idk if its ever been done before but if someone like whoever ran incorporated these it would be sick af and pubbers could literally stay in pubs but still play 6s and I think it would catch on

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Would it be possible to make PUG Community Servers in TF2 General Discussion
Azazel-no one would play medic

could always force some1 to play medic but idk what you'd do about trolls / constant offclasses

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Would it be possible to make PUG Community Servers in TF2 General Discussion

This is an idea i've had for a while but no idea how to execute it. Basically you would join the lobby, it would just be in pregame/DM until it has 12 players, then it could scramble based on an ELO system like MGE, or just have random 6v6 community servers with a comp ruleset. I can't really see any issues with this other than unbalanced matches but PUGs are pretty unbalanced anyway. It would be really cool if a big tf2 creator picked up this idea like uncle dane did with Uncletopia or something aaaand it would get more ppl into tf2 comp. What do you guys think?

posted about 3 years ago
#14 Ten questions for improving at 6s in TF2 General Discussion
caaaaaaaaatLike the core of it.

god this is so lame just respond to him normally bro

posted about 3 years ago
#24 are steroids worth it ? in Off Topic
TF_D4nnylebron james also definitely uses roids, look at that man. Still, there are plenty of examples where ppl who used gear ended up getting wrecked later in life.

100% of people who depend on their bodies to make a living are on steroids (models, athletes, instagram whores, youtube fitness scammers, certain types of actors etc)[/quote]

I know this is such a weird place to talk about this, I live in LA and im a huge laker fan, I used to love basketball and I was so baffled at how some players would play, these days I dont like the league as much because it's nearly all reliant on athleticism and roids. Lebron got a tumor removed from his mouth in the late 2000's (A sign of HGH use) and it was literally swept under the rug so hard. Countless NBA players have tested positive for HGH use with little to no punishment. Sure it makes the sport more entertaining but it's really really sad to see.

Lebron tumor source:

posted about 3 years ago
#8 are steroids worth it ? in Off Topic
nikoalfaIf you wanna shrink your ballsack and have health issues after 40 surelmao if you think that ur gonna die if you use roids, arnold is 70 something and still banging bitches

lebron james also definitely uses roids, look at that man. Still, there are plenty of examples where ppl who used gear ended up getting wrecked later in life.

posted about 3 years ago
#52 Young Sanity LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)
nick_TF_D4nnyzx37very public claims about the social life and familial relationships of a child
This is the important part. Unfounded or not, it's not really the place for such a discussion. While it's obvious you just care about his well being, a very personal and potentially upsetting public forum post is not an effective way to go about giving help.

ok deleted

posted about 3 years ago
#2 are steroids worth it ? in Off Topic

steroids are never worth it bro, you can bulk and keep ur abs btw, idk how old you are but i've been trying to gain wait, i've been eating really healthy, just a lot, and i've been able to add pounds of muscle and keep my abs. I also use creatine and feel it helps but my mom thinks that's bad for me so idk lol

posted about 3 years ago
#49 Young Sanity LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)
zx37does anyone else think its a little creepy that posts making unnecessary, unfounded, and very public claims about the social life and familial relationships of a child (#35 & #36) are getting +fragged as much as they are

Definition of unfounded
: lacking a sound basis : GROUNDLESS, UNWARRANTED

", the way he lets out full-throated squeals on stream and his parents don't ever come tell him off is shocking."

"Anyone who has 6k hours on TF2 at such a young age genuinely has some problems in their real life that are not addressed and may carry over into the social aspects of their life. "

Not really unfounded bro, I wrote what I did as someone who has been in a similar situation when they were younger, The dude needs help

posted about 3 years ago
#24 Gorono LFT s6 in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy owns

posted about 3 years ago
#36 Young Sanity LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 3 years ago
#1 Where do I play competitive after 830 EST in TF2 General Discussion

Im an AM player, I've noticed after 830 EST, literally all the Pug discords I'm in die, all the tf2Center lobbies are always empty, and I want to get better at the game outside of grinding MGE. Am I doing something wrong? I just want to play the video game man D:

Edit: Forgot to add that one would expect there to be a stronger west coast presence, especially something like a west coast pugs server, that would be fucking sick. Someone should really make that yo please where my west coast gamers at

posted about 3 years ago
#227 The Case for Elijah in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#26 How to Become a Better Scout Player? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys thanks for all the responses u guys r the best

DanceNumbernewbots for like 12 hours a day until your mind bleeds

Is this true? I love newbots but it feels like im not improving when i play it. What are the best newbots settings?

Kevito1do u have 144 hz

I dont have 144 hz, I never really plan on becoming an invite lvl player as i have other aspirations. I play on a 60hz gaming laptop from like 2019. I get good frames and stuff but is it just gg without 144 hz?

scrab Stuff u Said

This was extremely well written tysm

posted about 3 years ago
#1 How to Become a Better Scout Player? in TF2 General Discussion

looking for all advice even the most general thx

posted about 3 years ago
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