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Signed Up May 30, 2016
Last Posted July 21, 2019 at 9:50 PM
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#1 2019 Prem / Invite mouse settings in TF2 General Discussion

inspired by https://www.teamfortress.tv/2480/prem-invite-mouse-settings , i made this, a more up to date version
(data was taken from steam or twitch profiles so bear that in mind)

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion
AdjeCool idea for a project but if you want to attract developers for this I think you'll have to do better than just write out your goals for it and actually think further ahead about how you will accomplish those goals. There's a lot of things to consider when making a system like this.

The primary thing to consider is whether people will use it at all: if it's not easier than posting in a Discord channel or less time consuming to set up than it would be to plan your own scrims, it won't have any users and people will feel forced/inclined to use Discord anyway even if an alternative exists. Also important to note is that if you want to make this a service for lots of people you'll need to check if there even is any interest for this in the first place. I think your first step should be to create a poll of some sort and check if this is something people want and what kind of features they would like/find useful.

Another pitfall is the actual matching system. I think it will be very difficult to actually get the system to book scrims vs teams of equal skill or similar, because even in the same division there is quite a large skill gap between the bottom and top teams. Some teams won't mind playing vs teams far better than them but not everyone is the same in that regard. Until you can think of a solution for that I don't think a fully automatic system will work. Semi-automatic? Perhaps.

You want people to get notified about booked/cancelled scrims. Cool, but how do you want to do that? Mail? Discord? Steam? Push notifications?

How would this system work across different leagues and regions? You'd have to separate them in a proper and clear way so the system does not try and book scrims vs ozfortress teams when you play ETF2L or something silly like that.

Maybe you've thought about some of the things you've mentioned already and how you would implement it, but I feel like it's important to be very clear what it is that you want and how you want it to work. I like your concept but I don't think any developer would want to put their time into something like this (for free), just to realize that there is no demand for whatever it is he developed or that people prefer just messaging people over Steam or Discord to book scrims.

You could maybe talk to the person who made scrim.tf and pitch your idea there, while it's not really what you're looking for I think it would fit in nicely with the player availability system he made.

I think this dude sums it up pretty well. I have a proven way of finding scrims for 2 seasons now, you add enemy leaders of season that you know you have good games with and just ask at the start of the weeks if they need games for the weeks. 99% of the time I am able to fill all the hours my team wants to play in - and by asking people that I know I have fun playing against and It's a balanced game I feel more safe and I save the risk of my team getting mad etc.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion
callFEELDMaybe I can awake intrerest of other devs:
This project will need probably:
  • Front-End Developer (creating a website with HTML/CSS/JS)
  • Database (SQL)
  • Back-End Dev (Grabbing APIs, building interaction with maybe a Discord Bot, general website backend, Building a rating system of teams to better match equal teams)

This would be a week's work to make, but I know of a simillar system (scrim.tf) that basically had the same functionallity and died within a week. I don't see a reason to make this unless I know it won't die again

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Fully Discord Based Automated Pug System in TF2 General Discussion

In theory, the entire system could be based off discord while VC could be based off mumble, but that sounds like a little bit of a hassle. Though if the whole discord selling user data theory is correct that's another story

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Fully Discord Based Automated Pug System in TF2 General Discussion
Mitch_Over here in Australia, we are very close to finishing a bot that will do these things. I'm sure we'd be happy to release it publicly.

features our bot currently has (or almost finished):
- Automatic booking / exec of servers (sourced from Qixalite in AU but can easily be changed to serveme etc)
- Automatic announcement to multiple servers if needed
- Option for PugChamp style team selection or medic in-game picking
- Automatic voice channel dragging for players

I hear you and it sounds good, but I'm doing this to try & avoid the PugChamp system, because I feel it gives low div players no place to play the game. I don't know about Australia, but right now if you were a low div player trying to play a competitive match your only choices are TF2Center - which is a joke or an in-house pug/mix, which don't happen that often. but, the automatic server booking , and the integrated in game annoucments sounds like something my bot will definitely include.

I'm a Java pleb though so odds are I won't be able to get inspired by your code <_<

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Fully Discord Based Automated Pug System in TF2 General Discussion

Follow up to https://www.teamfortress.tv/51616/what-would-you-like-to-see-in-a-mix-website#28

I did some thinking, and I figured it would be possible to create a fully automatic pug system through discord. One that analyzes players, assigns teams and servers, allows queue ups and more.
For the sake of demonstration, this is how it would look like: https://i.imgur.com/oW86bJM.png
(medics get to pick only one player)
Note that the system would prevent Fat Kids and prioritize whoever joined first over skill (because if you want that system just go to PugChamp, I'm trying to create a system that'd work for everyone).
But my question is, how would you feel about a fully discord based pug system? What do you think the downsides are? Would you play such a thing?

Looking forward to hear more criticism ^^

posted about 5 years ago
#8835 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 5 years ago
#227 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

na.etf2l.org when

posted about 5 years ago
#28 What would you like to see in a "mix" website? in TF2 General Discussion


Made a discord server for this.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 What does your game look like? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#2 Copenhagen Games 2019 Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

s/o to yak, storm, basti, lsd, droy, troy, ascend, morebuckets, low, freddian, kdy and ofc the cast&production :)

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Lower than expected fps on games in Hardware

Are you sure your monitor is connected to your GPU? You can check it out by using the hardware manager thingie in your PC (google it, a lot of guides)

posted about 5 years ago
#21 What would you like to see in a "mix" website? in TF2 General Discussion

I have time now, so I'm starting to work on this.

Here's what I have decided to work on, would really appreciate feedback:

- Sign up with specific classes you wish to play.
sidenote: I am thinking of letting people queue up to multiple classes with priorities like PugChamp, but I will have to find a system that still avoids fat kidding with this so It's not a certain.

- Benefits for med: Being able to pick a player to play with or being able to black-list a player. (Black list still a question mark)

- Draft system (no "lobbies", our own servers)

- ELO, W/L Tracking

- Division to divs??? (big maybe!):
Open (for everyone, everyone can queue)
Low (Open to Low only)
High (Mid and above)

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Eu Mixes Cup #1 sponsored by serveme.tf in TF2 General Discussion
scopeTamirscopeTamirup, signups close soon :)are signups closed? :o
not yet, but soon

I click "sign up" but nothing happens... wut

read FAQ

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Eu Mixes Cup #1 sponsored by serveme.tf in TF2 General Discussion
scopeTamirup, signups close soon :)are signups closed? :o

not yet, but soon

posted about 5 years ago
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