These life lessons are not from me, but I want to share these as someone who left a cult lol:
1. You don't have to have a dream. Focusing too far in the future causes you to devalue the present. Comparing yourself to a future you will only make you miserable. Short-term goals and grateful living>>>>
2. Don't chase happiness. Eternal bliss does not exist, and why would you deserve such a thing?
3. Remember, it's all luck. You are lucky to born, not part of a "chosen" people (or baptized into a "chosen" people).
4. Exercise. You only get one body. Your body will not be resurrected, reincarnated, or made perfect after you die. Confront pain and learn to deal with it productively (prayer doesn't work my brother in Christ). The feelings the Spirit give you are just chemicals in your brain. The last thing that can be trusted are your feelings.
5. Be hard on your opinions. Your parents were wrong. You are wrong. You will be wrong. Study up on biases, and learn to avoid them.
6. Be a teacher.
7. Define yourself by what you love. Express it too. Be pro-stuff, not just anti-stuff like a sad-sack.
8. Respect people with less power than you. Palestinians in Gaza literally have no power. Develop critical thinking skills to see past sensationalized media and propaganda that takes advantage of your biased thinking and the way your parents raised you. You gotta cut the tether/umbilical cord and stop thinking you owe your parents your brain.
9. Don't rush. Enjoy your present company. Show them appreciation, and don't fantasize about a cool, new friend group that doesn't exist. That makes you a social climber who will lose all their friends. Nuns literally fantasize about Jesus 24/7 only to get cucked for a whole lifetime.
Stop rationalizing obvious atrocities.