Account Details
SteamID64 76561198030383904
SteamID3 [U:1:70118176]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:35059088
Country Australia
Signed Up April 26, 2013
Last Posted March 4, 2014 at 1:13 AM
Posts 100 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.14
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Thermaltake Black Gaming Mouse
Keyboard Thermaltake Challenger
Mousepad Roccat Taito King Size
Headphones Thermaltake Shock One
Monitor BenQ XL2411T
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#21 CUBE and BoneS i49 LAN Movie Democall in TF2 General Discussion

oops double post

posted about 11 years ago
#20 CUBE and BoneS i49 LAN Movie Democall in TF2 General Discussion

Call it, "Sheep and Yuki - The Movie"

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Viewmodels Quality Question in Q/A Help

I'm still struggling to see a difference, is it subtle or should I be able to tell easily? (I can tell the difference on picmip -1, just not the other commands)

posted about 11 years ago
#6 OZFortress Cup 3: Supervillains vs. Rewound in Events

For those who watched and heard Abender's casting, here is a video of him post game calling his father to tell him all about his big moment.


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Viewmodels Quality Question in Q/A Help
Rejfylr_lod 0 and r_rootlod 0

Tried it and can't see a difference, am I doing something wrong?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Viewmodels Quality Question in Q/A Help

Wondering if there's a way to turn up the visual quality on viewmodels in game, whilst keeping other settings low (or at least mostof them low).

Any help is appreciated

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Team Immunity i49au Video Guides in TF2 General Discussion


Still the best

posted about 11 years ago
#2 OZFortress Cup 3: Supervillains vs. Rewound in Events

Will be a good match

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Saints Row 4 in Off Topic

Played SR3 and thinking about getting SR4, looking for opinions on whether or not it's worth the price

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Team Immunity in TF2 General Discussion

Now to come back to Australia and 5-0 every team!

posted about 11 years ago
#444 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Doing the aussies proud!

posted about 11 years ago
#43 i49 Predictions in LAN Discussion

1. HRG
2. Epsilon
3. Broder
4. iM
5. Infused

If sheep/antwa have good games though I think it could be very different.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Interp/Lerp (+other stuff) in Q/A Help
You got the right idea, there are just some minor mistakes.

With updaterate/cmdrate 66 and interp_ratio 1 the interp is 0.0152 but you've corrected that in the quote. However with interp_ratio 2 it would be 0.0303 not 0.033 (probably a typo). Using interp 0 and interp_ratio 1/2 is easier anyway.

Choke means that your or the servers rate is too low, not to high. Basically the server has to hold packets back because either the bandwidth you allow or the bandwidth itself allows for each client is not high enough to send the packet immediately. Just set "rate" to 60000 (you can use 100000 to be sure, if you have more than 100kbits upload, otherwise it might increase your ping). If you still get choke it's the server. If you still want to/have to play on that server lower cmdrate and updaterate to 40 and bump up the interp to 0.025 (instead of 0.0152) or 0.05 (instead of 0.0303). You don't have to change the interp if you use interp 0 and interp_ratio 1 or 2.

If you have a good connection and get loss it's the server. If you get loss on every server you should call your ISP, it means your connection is shit.

Your explanation of interpolation is decent but a bit inaccurate at some points. For interp 0.0303/interp_ratio 2 TF2 isn't using the previous packet/snapshot to interpolate it uses the next one. With 0.0152/ratio 1 TF2 uses the snapshot previous to what you see and the next one to interpolate where everyone is in the frames between those two packets. Because you are only one tick behind the server you don't have any snapshots left that are newer than what you see atm if you miss one packet. Now the TF2 uses the two previous packets to extrapolate/predict/guess the player movements. If a guess was wrong the player(s) get(s) warped into the right place as soon as the next packet with the correct information arrives. When you are two ticks behind the server (0.303/ratio 2) and lose one packet you still got another, even newer snapshot. Instead of interpolating between the snapshot before and after your current time it uses the previous and the snapshot two ticks after the current time. Interpolating over two ticks instead of one is slightly less accurate but there won't be any warps.

Now comes the only thing that is just plain wrong.frownySince hitscan is hit detected locally and the hit confirmation is simply sent to the serverThis is just wrong. There's no other way to say that. All the hit registration is done by the server so no one can just sent random hit confirmations and kill everyone from across the map.

The reasons why some people use 0.0303/ratio 2 for hitscan and 0.0152/ratio 1 for porjectiles are the following:
0.0303 for hitscan:
No warps. If you lose just one packet with 0.0152/ratio 1 you might get a prediction are error and therefore a small warp. This little weird looking stutter can throw your aim off.
More accurate hitboxes. Again if you lose one packet and get a prediction error the enemy's model is slightly out of place. Now if you hit that model directly you are not necessarily hitting the hitbox because the hit registration is server side and the server doesn't know that for you the model was in that place. Most of the time you won't miss the shot completely but it's often the difference between hitting 10 bullets in the center for a meatshot or hitting that scout slightly to the side and just hitting 7 bullets and BAM that scout kills you because he survived that shot with 10 HP.

0.0152/ratio 1 for projectiles:
Less delay. Most players find the delay between firing a projectile and the moment it spawns on the server and you can see it far more irritating than the occasional small "stutter" after a lost packet. Prediction erros occur every now and then but the delay is there every single time you fire a projectile so most players want to minimize it. Plus projectiles are prediction-aimed and use a way bigger hitbox so it won't really affect your aim and hitreg.


//change these if necessary
rate 100000
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
cl_interp_ratio 1

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Interp/Lerp (+other stuff) in Q/A Help
frownyFor hitscan:

interp 0.0152
updaterate 66
cmdrate 66
smooth 0
smooth time doesn't matter
interp ratio 1
lag compensation 1

then go into your game, join a server and turn on net graph 4. keep bumping your rate up until you start getting choke/loss and then bring it down a little.

Thanks for the response, but I'm looking for something for projectiles mainly, I've updated the op.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Interp/Lerp (+other stuff) in Q/A Help

So, in my autoexec I have:


Well, there's actually numbers there, but after messing around with them the other night I pretty much fucked it up (hitscan barely hits) and I'm too embarrassed to show the numbers.

I generally play on ping less than 40, and am just looking for any wizards out there who might be able to help me with getting the correct values.

EDIT: I play demo, so I'm mainly looking for values that will work well for projectiles

posted about 11 years ago
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