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Last Posted February 18, 2015 at 9:29 AM
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#6 Is the Loose Cannon any good? in TF2 General Discussion


Mr_OwlIt's fun in pubs and used perfectly is better than the grenade launcher, but in a competitive setting things are too hectic to time every shot perfectly and because of that the stock nade launcher has a better damage output and more utility.

So it is kind of like the Scottish Resistance of grenade launchers. Something that could have potential if you think about 14bombs and selective detonation, but is literally outclassed in all situations by stock.

ghos7ayamaits probably the hardest weapon to use to its maximum potential just because of how small the window to have it blow up at just the right time

basically what #3 said

Valve should really just cut the fuse time in half and give it a fixed damage of 80 instead of reverse fall off. It is too gimmicky and "skill indexed" to be put to good use. That knockback though...it's hilarious.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Is the Loose Cannon any good? in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone figure out a proper way to use this weapon? Is it worth switching out the GL?

Discuss please.

I have it a try in a DM server one night and I don't know if I'm using it properly.

posted about 11 years ago
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