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Last Posted February 18, 2015 at 9:29 AM
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#508 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

If there are weapons that are banned at the highest level of play then valve should definitely HIGHLIGHT those unlocks and have a talk with the best players in TF2 to get an understanding of why they are banned. Valve needs to also look at the unbanned weapons that aren't being used at the highest level of play.

If anything I think valve should make a balance mod for both HL & 6s if they have to and test all inferior or banned weapons repeatedly until they are deemed balanced.

I think 8v8 would also work better for their lobby system with 6s class limits as it resembles the player count vanilla TF2 originated as IIRC

It good to see that valve cares about competitive TF2 and are actually trying to balance out this game.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 TF2 In-Game PUG System? in TF2 General Discussion

Valve doesn't support competitive play or balance.
They support getting money though.

This is valve
Money > balance

posted about 11 years ago
#70 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion
marioReplace "some sort of 'hybrid' competitive game" with "some sort of 'hybrid' casual game" and I would 100% agree.

The original 8v8 that this game was originally beta tested as with class limits?
Rebalance some of these unlocks so they're viable?

posted about 11 years ago
#32 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion

Implement something like this?

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Unlocks and effective strategies? in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanThe problem is, unlocks that would potentially "change the metagame" are usually banned.

Can someone explain this to me? What's wrong with changing the metagame?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Unlocks and effective strategies? in TF2 General Discussion

Has anyone had any successful/effective strategies with any of the unlocks that aren't normally used?

Is there a way to change up the current "metagame" with any of these unlocks and develop new ways to play in the 6s format or are these unlocks too ineffective for what you give up?

Care to share any success stories about using uncommon loadouts in a 6s game?

posted about 11 years ago
#29 RedTerror's DM Server - Stay MGE or switch to DM? in TF2 General Discussion
joejoe347But people should understand that lobbing stickies all over the place doesn't take any skill

Yes...The slowest projectile in the game that requires the most prediction skill to get your best damage output requires no skill. Everyone literally has B4nny stickies and uses them the same exact way.

I may be a noob but the last time I checked Soap DM is about practicing what you'll be using ingame. What do Demos use as their primary? Stickies.

It helps you get better at countering stickies and they also get practice with them.

posted about 11 years ago
#65 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion

Any suggestions as to not make him OP?

I'm a member at TF2tightrope which is a community beta for TF2's balance since valve doesn't use their own beta.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
TendaMonstaIs his damage output too good?
Is the arm time too short?
Blast radius too big?
How do we not make him OP if he is?

Thank you for your replies ppl.

I also don't think stickies should be doing that much damage that close either regardless of if it's rare or not. The only time you should be one shotting anything as demo is with a trap.

Valve also messed up upon release because they never put class limits within the game. If you truly want to win just tell everyone to go medic + Demoman.

posted about 11 years ago
#52 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
2chow is this even being discussed

theyre limited to 1 for a reason

I'm very inexperienced about 6s rules and such but aren't they ALSO limited to 1 due to how much they can slow down the game at chokes not just the raw damage output? Overlapping sticky traps can be quite hilarious, rage inducing, cheap, and slow the game down to the point where nothing gets done or pushing is very slow. Some people truly consider the Demoman balanced and not OP so I thought I'd ask.

your_majestyI think the high level of damage that both pipes and stickies do at any range is a bit ridiculous. Soldiers have to deal with damage falloff, but demos hit hard from anywhere.

Do you think pills should have falloff like rockets and stickies?

TendaMonstaIs his damage output too good?
Is the arm time too short?
Blast radius too big?
How do we not make him OP if he is?

Thank you for your replies ppl.
posted about 11 years ago
#40 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylSo how much damage would a sticky do if its on the wall right next to you and you're right next to it, or if its right below you (that is the closest right? unless you air det it I suppose)

Assuming you're close to the Demoman and a sticky is on the wall sticky would do 100damage on average.

Assuming you're close to the Demoman and a sticky is at your feet a sticky would do 125+

Airbursting normally produces 50ish-80ish assuming good prediction and positioning (but what do I know UGC steel demo lol). Poorly placed stickes do around 32-40ish.

Is his damage output too good?
Is the arm time too short?
Blast radius too big?
How do we not make him OP if he is?

Thank you for your replies ppl.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
crespiTendaMonstafull ramp up, yes!

what exactly do you mean by full ramp up


posted about 11 years ago
#18 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion

At close range with full ramp up, yes!

Stickies do max damage directly below the targets center of mass.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion
redbanDemo is balanced

I'd like to agree with you but sometimes I question that.

redbanEvery class is balanced

Even with stock Pyro, Heavy, and (maybe) Demoman have issues

redbanTF2 is balanced

Not even close...This game is watered down with joke imbalanced unlocks it isn't even funny. Valve tossed balance out long ago.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Demoman's Balance (Is he truly balanced) in TF2 General Discussion

Thread title

I main Demoman and have a biased opinion on his balance. I come from hell (SPUF) and I've been seeing a few Demo is OP shenanigans and I'd really like to talk to a higher level community about his balance since I might be deluded since I don't want him nerfed but if he does I'd rather get confirmation from a more intelligent community.

Do you yourself see any balancing issues with this class?
Is he truly too good? Or just "perfect" for what he does?

In general might I add (6s, 9s, 12s)

posted about 11 years ago
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