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Signed Up May 13, 2013
Last Posted May 22, 2019 at 6:50 PM
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#21 tf2 at i61 possible? in TF2 General Discussion

߷ Pro Fidget Spinner ‎߷

posted about 7 years ago
#70 Wtf is team france ? in TF2 General Discussion
CorbacI'm level 138 in tf2 casual so I think I can qualify as a highlander expert :)

boost me

posted about 7 years ago
#50 Wtf is team france ? in TF2 General Discussion

corbac is a CRAZY highlander player

raf is a CRAZY insane highlander player (and captain)

not having them play would be a BIG mistake.. D:

Fix This Now.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Arctic Foxes swaps schocky with Puoskari in News
Caelipuoskari left :O

joining ams' team, thaigrr cant go to lan, ams back on pocket

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Thalash replaced for Hafficool? in TF2 General Discussion

01:05 - kaptain: ur back in
01:05 - kaptain: on trial

is gg xD

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Thalash replaced for Hafficool? in TF2 General Discussion

it was a good run

posted about 7 years ago
#36 TFTV Weekly Series Powered by FACEIT announced in News

prem teams sign up immediately or face serious repercussions

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Perminators dead. in TF2 General Discussion

big fan

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Giving a RL signed by lansky to whoever wants it in Off Topic

i love lansky i wish he was on my team instead of kaptain

posted about 7 years ago
#55 ETF2L S27 Prem qualifiers look sick in TF2 General Discussion
lettoE.g. Nunya went into prem playoffs as underdogs, won it, lost some games that season, but now they are a solid prem team.


The only map they won last season was vs 3/6 who were off-classing instead of folding

posted about 7 years ago
#4 17: Day 2 in Events

Hello I am looking to gayboy flirt

posted about 7 years ago
#49 Ban the crossbow in TF2 General Discussion
JarateKingI mean, the meta has been progressively getting slower and more stalematey, coincidentally as the crossbow kept getting buffed. Not entirely just the crossbow, the demo nerf slowed down the meta a low when it came out and the medic speed buff contributed when it happened, but there's a pretty strong correlation between crossbow buffs and a slower meta.

Not to mention etf2l's experiment with banning it in their cup seemed to be pretty positive that it sped the game up and made the meta overall better.

Holy fuck what a garbage post, this might be your worst one yet.

The crossbow getting banned will not change the pace of the game whatsoever, teams will just play with the mindset that their hp is valued higer in stalemate situations, instead of going for small risks on the flank. You'll play much more defensive because taking damage forces you to give up your position and go for a pack which would grant the other team more control of the flank, allowing for their soldier to go for a better sac etc. Weapon changes and class changes has had very minimal effect on the meta, believe it or not (except for maybe the medic movement speed buff). Teams have gotten better and realised that taking mindless uber trades and going for high risk high reward dry pushes is not always the best play. (Look at how kaidus changed his approach to the game from a very aggro demo, typically playing in very aggro teams, to how he played/coached in Crowns, who happened to win everything they participated in for over year)

If you think any proper feedback could be given from the ETF2L cup you're terribly wrong, 0 good teams signed up for that cup, the best team was Lowpander who rolled all their games in 10-15minutes.

posted about 7 years ago
#240 can we ban most unlocks yet? in Q/A Help

It baffles me how people have come to the conclusion that banning crossbow makes the game faster. The defending team will always trade damage more effectively than the team trying to push.

posted about 7 years ago
#52 Freestate quits TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Kylo_renWhy?? you were soo good. I still remember the play against Crowns e-sports (the current team se7en) in the UBF of i58 when FROYO wipes except Free and then he sneaks in and meatshots raymon with stark and thalash watching.

i didnt play for crowns at i58 don't blame me for hafficool's failures

posted about 7 years ago
#138 Lowpander swaps out Kissakala and Grenjabob, Crayon joins in News

dEAth CoMEs To YoU FiRSt.

posted about 7 years ago
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