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Signed Up February 26, 2018
Last Posted January 17, 2020 at 7:19 PM
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#3 Fixing party chat in Q/A Help

Update 2: turns out these chat popups can be forced to disappear after some time with "tf_chat_popup_hold_time"
I knew I wasn't crazy

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Fixing party chat in Q/A Help

Update: I ended up solving the issue by turning all the contents of chatpopup.res invisible.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Fixing party chat in Q/A Help

I'm trying to fix those persisting party chat notifications in the top left corner that just won't disappear, but I can't seem to be able to find any files related to them. So far, the only thing I figured out is that they are called ChatPopup in the vgui_drawtree, but I haven't been able to find anything related to this in hudanimations, nor just looking through the folders nor in clientscheme. Does anyone know where to find any related files?

posted about 5 years ago
#6180 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Heyo! I'm trying to fix the party chat notifications that won't disappear, but I just can't find their creation event. Can anyone suggest me their name? I know they are called ChatPopup in the drawtree, but I can't find anything related to that. Thanks!

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Multi-variable command manipulation in Customization

I started working on the script but it turns out that incrementvar sets every other variable to 0, which means I will need the brute force approach. Dammit...

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Multi-variable command manipulation in Customization

Alright, after some manual experiments I discovered that the original -20 to 20 value range for every axis is kinda ridicilous since most of it is impractical, and I was able to reduce the number of aliases from 1600 to just 300 (-5 to 15 for left/right and 0 to -15 on up/down) which is a little more plausible and seems like something I can manage even without the autofill, so thanks for your effort.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Multi-variable command manipulation in Customization
_KermitYou can probably do "incrementvar tf_viewmodels_offset_override x 0 150 10"

The "incrementvar" command can only handle 3 arguments: valueMin, valueMax, Delta. Sadly it won't work like that, although setting just those three values changes only the X axis.

JarateKingquintoshnot possible in tf2 without setting aliases for every x, y, z (which isn't a lot of work if you use autofill really)quick python script for this:
# range to set
min = -2
max = 2

# enforce proper wrapping rules
def getCoords(x, y, z, separator):
    toret = ''
    toret += str((x - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) + separator
    toret += str((y - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) + separator
    toret += str((z - min) % (max - min + 1) + min) 
    return toret

# base binds
for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
    print('alias "inc_vm_' + c + '" "vm_0_0_0"')

# internal state binds
for x in range(min, max + 1):
    for y in range(min, max + 1):
        for z in range(min, max + 1):
            toprint = 'alias "vm_' + getCoords(x, y, z, '_') + '" "'
            toprint += 'tf_viewmodels_offset_override ' + getCoords(x, y, z, ' ') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_x vm_' + getCoords(x+1, y, z, '_') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_y vm_' + getCoords(x, y+1, z, '_') + ';'
            toprint += 'alias inc_vm_z vm_' + getCoords(x, y, z+1, '_') + '"'
There's some obvious big improvements (support for decrementing instead of just having to wrap around, and support for floats / not having to always be an integer) but this should get the idea across.

I appreciate your effort, but there are a few problems with this approach that prevented me from using it before even asking, namely:
1) TF2 config files cannot be larger than 1 Mb, which would mean those would have to be divided in a heckton files.
2)This script is great, but it would help to not involve the x axis since it is possible to manipulate it with incrementvar
3)Decrement support is another reason why this idea is even needed, it would be a tad easier with only increments.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Multi-variable command manipulation in Customization

Hey guys, I have this idea for a script that would simplify my life a lot, but I just can't come up with a reasonable way to pull it off.
Basically I am a viewmodel modder, where I reposition the viewmodels to a place where they take up less screen space. A command I use a lot for this is "tf_viewmodels_offset_override x y z", it moves the viewmodels around so that I can see what position feels nicer to then make it usable in pubs (this command is sv_cheats 1 restricted but I have a way of moving the viewmodels without it, I just need an estimate where I should move it since it involves a lot of game restarts). I recently had an idea of binding it to some keys like arrows and plus/minus to move the viewmodel around for my convenience, because typing it in manually is a tedious process, but the most obvious way, incrementvar, doesn't seem to work on multi-variable commands. The only way of pulling it off I can come up with is using incrementvar to move along the x axis (because that's what's changing when it's being used with the command) and a system of aliases for each possible position I would need that binds the keys to moving it to the nearby slot, but that's too many aliases (like, 1600 too many). Is there any other solution I am missing, perhaps a command or an addition to incrementvar to make it change other values of tf_viewmodels_offset_override?

posted about 5 years ago
#21 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#19 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#18 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#14 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#13 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#11 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
#10 Viewmodel editing in Customization


posted about 6 years ago
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