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Signed Up November 20, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2024 at 9:43 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ⋅⋅ 87
#124 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

Jeff is such a br0.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 How "into" the holidays are you? in Off Topic
chunkeyyyOne thing that annoys me is when they show commercials about Christmas when Halloween hasn't even came yet. :<

This. Typically, it's the day after Halloween when they start playing Christmas commercials and music.

Christmas music is also the same eight songs, all remixed and redone by a hundred other people. Gets pretty meh.

posted about 10 years ago
#121 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
freakinWhat really should happen is you FITES admins should bring it up to lanfest, and see if they can implement a reserve system with passwords for future lans. i.e. this block of reserved seats has a password, and anybody that knows the password can unlock one seat. The password could be posted in the thread; it wouldn't be foolproof but it would be better.

Thaaaat is a great idea.

posted about 10 years ago
#116 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
TwinsfanTheFragileMaybe reserve N if you can? I know for a fact we'll fill up at least one more table but that probably will not happen for another month.I can reserve N; however, you cannot sit down while the seats are reserved. I wish there was a way to get around this but we are using the LANFest system. The system works OK for a specific gaming group because they tend to buy all of their tickets at one time. We unlock the table and they sit down (or we sit them). In this situation it would be a little bit of a hassle since you guys are buying your tickets separately and at different times. If I reserve the table for you guys, you will have to let me know when everyone has purchased their tickets. Then I can unlock the table for you to sit.

Oh, hm. That would probably be a little hard to coordinate. I dunno, it's up to everyone else.

posted about 10 years ago
LKincheloeQuestion: Are there any other versions of Quake still actively used?

Nothing outside of a few small pub servers for each game. Some of the pub servers run competitive plugins/mods, but it's still not that big. I play Quake 2 with Justin from time to time and the servers we go on are fine.

posted about 10 years ago
#112 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

Paid. If I don't move my seat later on, looks like ctrlfmuffin and I will be playing Street Fighter and Stepmania for 99% of the event.

I guess I also need a team. :O Scout would be cool.

TwinsfanIt seems like you guys might have enough to fill up table N too. Would you like me to see if I can reserve that table for TF2 players so you don't end up spread out?

Edit - Nevermind. It looks like you guys are having no problems sitting together.

Maybe reserve N if you can? I know for a fact we'll fill up at least one more table but that probably will not happen for another month.

posted about 10 years ago
#108 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

You can change seats whenever you want, right? I think I might be sitting with IRL friends but maybe I should get a spot in the TF2 section for now.

posted about 10 years ago
#99 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

I'll be leaving right from my job in New Castle, DE around 5 PM or so. I can pick up one person as long as it's not too far out of the way.

^Actually that might be a problem, because I won't be driving towards Delaware to go home, because I live in south Jersey. I guess if someone only needs a ride there and not a ride back, I can do that? I dunno, I might be able to work something if someone really needs a ride.

posted about 10 years ago
#90 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

rick, stop being responsible.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 ESEA S15 LAN (Dallas) in LAN Discussion

I'll go if ender wants to money-match again in street fighter :3

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Dikker: S16 Medic Highlights in TF2 General Discussion
You are listing consequences of it not working but he did made 6 seconds of distraction in which after this his soldier came from the other side and started caping, unfortunately the heavy spawned and ended the cap. You can see after the uber fades how his scout instead of taking advantage of that time Dikker fantasically made and starts surprise-caping, attacks the demo and then his soldier who wasn't being focused tried to cap. It could have worked and all the efforts of Dikker would haven been worth it if the soldier came from the other side and rushed the demo and his scout started caping, nobody would have expected it since almost all the players were focused on Dikker, but it would require a shit-ton of synchronization that most teams lack.

You are right. It's better to play safe and hit the killbind than try to make the 'big plays' that sometimes costs us the round.

I get what you're saying, but that exact scenario he was in had a .0001% chance of working (I calculated it and all! :D). The position of the enemy soldiers was a simple RJ to the point (which if you watch it again, they did exactly that). It was more of the enemy team's fault for having about five people try to kill the medic, but again, they were fairly close to the point to get to it in time anyway.

Doing the killbind isn't even just the safe thing to do, it's the logical thing to do. You can't bid on the enemy team being dumb in a situation like that when you're a medic. Uber advantage and overheals (and obviously just heals in general) dictate an incredibly large portion of the game.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Dikker: S16 Medic Highlights in TF2 General Discussion
renxzenTheFragileyou delayed your inevitable death by 12 seconds (and likely much longer if the enemy team allowed it).
Unfortunately it didn't worked out in the end, but better try it than not in this type of scenarios where you see how your push to last failed horribly.

I completely disagree. Absolutely not. You miss an entire spawn wave (so the medic won't be spawning with the soldiers that just died) and you give the other team an extra ~30% uber (which amounts to being about ~60-70% after the medic spawns). When the soldiers spawn, the pocket must then decide if he wants to wait an extra 15 seconds for medic, or if he should try to hold whatever point needs to be held. The former decision means it'll be easier for the enemy team to retake, while the latter means the medic won't be building during the entire time going to the point (which pretty much guarantees a 100% to 0% uber disadvantage).

It only almost worked because the enemy team allowed it to be that way. They didn't need ~5 people trying to kill the lone medic while ignoring the point. In this scenario, you actually want the medic to screw around behind and intentionally delay his death. Thus, you basically choose when to kill the medic, you have massive uber advantage, the other team will have no heals, and you are practically guaranteed a point (and probably more). We've done this in Invite for a long time and I'm well-aware of it. Medics have a "kill" bind for much more than just getting a better spawn.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Dikker: S16 Medic Highlights in TF2 General Discussion

The part at 2:45 had some nice jukes, but you delayed your inevitable death by 12 seconds (and likely much longer if the enemy team allowed it).

Other than that, I liked some of the surfs and crossbows. :3

renxzenI've seen a lot of medics poping the uber when health is that low even if no enemy is around at sight. You have a lot of balls to be milking it that way, my friend.

It's exactly that, an incredibly ballsy move. In his situation, it obviously involved zero risk because the other team had six dead. In most situations where there are enemies lingering around and you have less than 20 HP, then yeah, it's incredibly hard to deal with that situation. If you're in an area with no real safety (like if you're attacking an enemy's second point on Badlands and you just took a bunch of damage on their gray bridge), it's so easy to be dealt ~20 damage from just about anywhere or anything. On top of the fact that if an enemy knows they just dealt 100+ damage to you, their new team objective for the next moment will likely be to shoot a few shots of anything at all and finish you. No matter how mindful you are of your surroundings, these shots can come from just about any angle and distance, and there's little you can do about it (other than use uber and/or get to safety to regen / get health packs).

I would say this is why medics in Open (or below) drop their ubers a pretty good amount of the time.

posted about 10 years ago
#69 yo etf2l fucking sucks. in TF2 General Discussion

Is the "things are gonna go my way and that's that" routine really becoming the popular thing to do as an admin for this game? I mean, really, this entire competitive scene has one end goal: to make the community grow which will then brew more competition. Making the grand finals a joke by forcing a grand finals match on a Friday with two ringers (and possibly a 5v6) is simply a waste of time. Regardless of the result, no one wants to see the match filled with ringers. People want to see a grand finals match with all 12 starters. This way, there are no excuses or what-ifs in the scenario of ringers, and people will get to (ideally) see a good show.

If you don't care what people want to see, then perhaps you're fucking retarded and you shouldn't be an admin. I'm not specifically talking about ETF2L, I'm talking about just about anywhere. I'm not saying spectators and players should perpetually get their way with a majority vote, but it's situations like these that some admins just refuse to deal with for no good reason at all other than personal bullshit. This is a grand finals match. What the fuck.

Yes, I'm completely aware that both teams have conflicting schedules during this time, but I find it ridiculous that it can't be delayed. In fact, it CAN be delayed, the admins just choose not to. Sure, I understand that you don't want matches delayed by months, but this is not only the grand finals, but it's also Christmas time. People's real lives come into play during the month of December, and TF2 is not our full-time job. Likewise, being an admin is not your full-time job, either. Now you're threatening a team to forfeit their earnings? I'm sorry, is this your personal money that you're handing out that you are so incredibly offended that they have real-life obligations and other things to tend to? You are truly doing an awesome job at making the community grow in a drama-free manner, because who the fuck cares about leniency and giving a shit about the game?

And then you also threaten to ban them?

posted about 10 years ago
#33 yo etf2l fucking sucks. in TF2 General Discussion

aw yiss, tf2 being forever plagued by shit admins 8))))))

posted about 10 years ago
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