pls, i wana b pokmon mstr
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197971124276 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:10858548] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:5429274 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | November 20, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 19, 2024 at 1:22 PM |
Posts | 1320 (0.3 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | .9 |
Windows Sensitivity | middle |
Raw Input | 1 |
1800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
120 hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer DeathAdder |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | Razer Goliathus |
Headphones | Steelseries Siberia v2 |
Monitor | BenQ |
pls, i wana b pokmon mstr
When I switched from mx518 to DA, I noticed that right click was fairly sensitive whenever I would play a game (mostly because it wouldn't take much for it to be pressed when I would rapidly move the mouse around). My solution? I have my middle finger about a half-inch above M2, just so I don't accidentally uber. It sounds tedious but I got used to it.
I'm guessing your ISP told you to get a new router? They say that to me just about every time I call them, when in fact it's never the issue.
As kuza suggested, try running everything without the router. If you find that the trouble really is the router, then you honestly don't need anything fancy. I would suggest not buying a shitty $20 one from Best Buy or anything though.
Megaman TAS for any game in the series are awesome.
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike TAS are pretty cool too with all of the fancy parrying.
best show ever is best show ever.
I never liked his attitude but I respect his play.
cpm1a is a classic. i don't think it's that bad.
Covered in the 90s, so that counts I guess? :p
Couldn't we just use PQL in Quake Live? Let's get some CTF going!
I'm not against CPMA, but I dunno where my q3 cd is. :[
Ten minutes is kind of long but shortening the timer might promote using a heavy and/or sentry to stall out the timer for a reset. If you take a minute or two off the clock, it won't really change anything at all. If you take five or six minutes off the clock, some teams may never push out.
Wolfenstein (2009) wasn't that good, so hopefully this one is much better.
I don't think any Wolfenstein game will ever match RTCW or ET, though.