kirbyI dunno how many times I've gotten 149 shots and couldn't follow up on it. It's the worst lol. This probably sounds weird, but I think when it happens it's usually when the rifle charge just hits the last bar. I've never seen this nor had this happen after letting it sit on the last one. Not too sure though, but it's really silly.
I think it's really silly that you can fully-charged bodyshot a medic to begin with, but I know what you mean.
thrasherRoodYTell fluffyanimal
No! Do NOT tell fluffy! If you do he'll go on a 45 minute rant about how if you hit X amount of needles with the blutsauger you get a better regen then with the normal syringe gun. If you tell him he's wrong it's another 45 minutes.Can we please delete this thread before he sees it and calls me to rant?
I'll have this debate with him any day. I think there has only been one time where I used blutsauger over stock needles. I can't remember who it was exactly, but it was because the enemy scouts mindlessly rushed me down, especially if I tried to escape midfights (and this was before the overdose existed). Unless you're ringing for an awful team that can't protect you and you're constantly by yourself, then blutsauger is pretty bad.
Also, the argument of "if you hit X amount of needles with blutsauger, you get better regen" is not very valid. If your method of getting comparable regen to stock needles is to needle people instead of healing your team full of classes with much better dm than a medic has to offer, then you're a battle-medic, lol. Blutsauger is most useful if a class is rushing you down / suiciding on you, but the BEST case scenario is that you hit enough needles to make you survive one more hit (and that won't happen very often). The amount of times that you'll hit enough needles to survive one more hit is ridiculously worse than the stock regen has to offer overall (won't need to go back for healthpacks as often, survive situations such as the original post, can play more aggressively instead of waiting for your shitty regen to reach 4 hp per second, etc).