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SteamID64 76561198150761253
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Country United States
Signed Up January 16, 2015
Last Posted January 31, 2015 at 12:05 AM
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#7 TheGreenSpy's FPS Config! in Customization
i instaled your config yesterday, this happened everytime i play scout
its how spy mains prefer tf2

True, I do main spy btw.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 TheGreenSpy's FPS Config! in Customization
i instaled your config yesterday, this happened everytime i play scout

I do not get that problem whatsoever, if you're running in dx8, set mat_specular to 0 and mat_bumpmap to 1.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 TheGreenSpy's FPS Config! in Customization

Hello everybody, I have seen Rhapsody's config and decided to improve it and add some convars. The difference between my config and his, is the fact that I have the following configs:
-Maxframes (dx8, only about 3-10 fps difference from Highframes)
-Highframes (dx8, Keeping TF2 cartoony while having high FPS)
-dx9 (dx9, Basically Rhapsody's config with some small tweaks)
-High Quality (Built for amazing graphics cards for high FPS)

Choose depending on your graphics card. If you have a beast graphics card, choose either sx9 or High Quality for high FPS. If you have a terrible or mediocre graphics card choose highframes or maxframes. A lot of people think that just because the maxframes has max- slapped on top of it means that you'll get 190 FPS compared to the highframes 110 FPS. This is not the case, all the maxframes does is increase highframes by about 10 FPS. I hope that you will enjoy playing TF2 with high FPS.

Download Here:

posted about 10 years ago