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Last Posted January 5, 2017 at 9:34 AM
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#45 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion

50 days away!

The tournament page has been put up. Feel free to start making your teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion

It's been crazy around here and I hadn't gotten a chance to check the thread again.

Thanks dashner for the praise!

Yeah, it was a bit rocky there for a bit, the new venue was mostly due to the Park Inn raising prices on us and room rates on everyone with no real value added. We'll be posting more info soon. Though I've heard of someone finding a room .5 miles from the venue for $50/night!

posted about 8 years ago
#33 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion
time to reschedule my lan

I am sorry. I hate causing scheduling conflicts. I was just excited we got back "our" weekend. We had been the last weekend in February for at least 10 years up until the year before last year when the hotel bumped us for something else to the first weekend in March.

(This event is a new venue for us.)

posted about 8 years ago
#31 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion
ShdSteelTheShoctorShdSteelWe know if PCs are provided yet or if it's BYOC?

EDIT: And Twins beats me by 6 seconds. That guy.
Alrighty. Are you assisting in running the event?

You could say that. ;)

posted about 8 years ago
#27 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion
ShdSteelWe know if PCs are provided yet or if it's BYOC?


EDIT: And Twins beats me by 6 seconds. That guy.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion
Beelthazusrumor has it; There will be 20GB Fiber Optic up-link. 150 x 8 Rubberized tables (say goodbye to splinters), Oh and this All these details still need to be confirmed in the months to come, but so far everything is sounds fantastic!

That's the link between tables just to be clear and NOT to the internet. (Everyone will be gb at their seat.) We are still at the mercy of Comcast but it will be like last year with multiple modems feeding the event.

Also, yes, the link is down at the moment. Outage in the area. They are telling me back by 2pm. It just figures it hits the Monday after tickets open.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 GXL in LAN Discussion
drshdwpuppetI have heard whisperings of FITES being no more next year, and they don't truly have the infrastructure to support a gxl sized gathering of you nerds.

Well we (Foray) have/has beefed up the infrastructure... And we are still a little sparse on staff... But the REAL issue we are having now is with venue. The Park Inn has been a nightmare to deal with for the past 3-4 events and it's so bad they don't even realize that our sales person has moved to another hotel. (And we've heard rumblings it may shut it's doors before the year's end.)

EDIT: We are working on a venue for the last weekend in Feb2017, but it's not looking good. The venue is smaller and we are still waiting to hear about how much power is going to cost.

Sadly I came looking for this thread to schedule time off to go to the GXL. :(

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Early workings for a LAN near VA/DC in LAN Discussion

I put in my survey. I'd be down for coming. (But I have no team.)

Side note: I am always surprised by how many Marylanders respond. (I am one too.)

posted about 8 years ago
#82 FITES Weekend in TF2 General Discussion

I think this summer might be a little too short notice to plan, but like Mahoney said, our last summer event didn't go so well in terms of turnout. And that event we got very lucky with pricing. Normally for summer events the hotel wants weddings so they want to charge us 3 times the Feb/March amount.

But right now I came here to drop off those STVs on my dropbox. Sorry, I didn't do any viewing or sorting aside from pulling the finals out. I just wanted to get them posted quickly. If drop box starts being difficult I will put them on the FITES site.

posted about 9 years ago
#162 GXL 2014 in LAN Discussion
Show Content
posted about 10 years ago
#43 FITES LAN TF2 Tournament in Events

Sry, people still getting matches together so we will be really broadcasting soon. twitch chat gabroken

posted about 10 years ago
#41 FITES LAN TF2 Tournament in Events

Yyyyaaaoooo! This isn't shoctor this is eXtine, we're getting ready to go with the stream. Twitch is having some issues.

posted about 10 years ago
#208 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion

Just called the hotel. It seems there was some miscommunication with people at the front desk. They have plenty of rooms left. The block, which I don't think they should have even talked about, is the number of rooms we have to fill to get the rate we do. This block is also reserved JUST for FITES attendees if the hotel was busy.

One other quick note is that we don't have an online discount code so if you tried to enter FITES in the promotional code area it will tell you it's invalid. Rooms are still available.

tl;dr Just spoke with the hotel about 10 minutes ago (12:45 Eastern) and was told there are plenty of rooms.

posted about 11 years ago
#164 FITES LANFest Feb 21-23 2014 in LAN Discussion
ParagonduderParagonJust a heads up there's only like 1 or 2 rooms left in the fites block if you want a discounted price.
I talked to Shoctor about this and there shouldn't be any limit on the "block" of rooms they have.

All I know is when I spoke to the dude on the phone he said there was only 2 rooms left in the block. Maybe that just means if you mention fites you get discounted regardless of what room they put you in.

Paragon, like duder said, just waiting to hear back from our sales rep at the hotel. It's strange hearing this. Only because we've been at this site for a good while and we've never had a limited discount block. In fact the more hotel rooms they get with our name on them the happier they are. Granted over the past two years the hotel has changed ownership and we've changed sales reps. (Our discount on the rooms used to be better.)

I will let you all know as soon as I hear back from them.

posted about 11 years ago
#103 FITES LAN Field Day Feb22-24 in TF2 General Discussion

Well, I have a bunch of hardware in my vehicle right now and I will see a bunch of you tomorrow!

posted about 11 years ago
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