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Last Posted July 28, 2018 at 11:21 AM
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#13 MasterNoob :thinking: in The Dumpster

tf2c admins are like that one kid in class that everyone talks with because he did some cool stuff once and keeps bringing that up but he's actually shit at literally everything so he talks in short, "deep meaning" comments just to avoid being called out.

posted about 6 years ago
#297 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
nopeb4nnythese items may simply be "overpowered" they have not proven to be game breaking and should not be banned:overpowered items should be banned that's literally the point of the whitelist

"overpowered" as in technically direct upgrades to stock but not very useful (e.g. third degree)

posted about 7 years ago
#5 HUD-Editor 5000! Hud-editing tool idea in The Dumpster

Still being able to make your hud easely with more customization that toonhud offers (since toonhud even though it tries to be good it can't do everything) is a concept that will attract players and maybe actually talented hud-makers. And with the filling problem, well if the site did a better job with being able to search huds by name or adding filters this problem wouldn't be such a problem. And a making a vaster place for huds wouldn't make a bad thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Afterburn and Bleed buff idea! in The Dumpster

We all know that Afterburn is a simple mechanic from fire damaging weapons. Very unsignificant mechanic and not very usefull since it can be denied by many things, like healthpacks, medics and friendly pyros.
Bleed is a simmilar story, but I prefer bleed because bleed does more damage in a less time, unlike the afterburn that does less damage in more time. It gets a little hard to explain so first I have to explain how Afterburn works. So afterburn does 3 damage a tick (instead of calling it "a tick" I'm going to call it "a time"; so Afterburn does 3 damage a time) and Afterburn damages 2 times a second (so 6 damage a second). For the Degreaser the Afterburn does 1 damage a time so 2 damage a second. Also the afterburn lasts for 10 seconds. The bleed does 5 damage a time and hits 2 times a seconda, also the bleed lasts 5 seconds.

>>Now for the Afterburn buff!<<

Idea 1: Afterburn's damage rises over time. So the stats!:
-Flamethrower's Afterburn: The first 3 seconds of afterburn do 3 damage a time like normal, then the following 3 seconds afterburn does 5 damage a time and then for he following 4 secondsafterburn does 7 damage a time. So let's do the maths:
3x2x3+5x2x3+7x2x4=18+30+56=99 total damage. This idea isn't focusing on dealing the full damage, but punishing players that don't take care of afterburn fast, becoming a problem the more time you are under it's effect. I really like this idea since it makes players have to multitask, something that is very important in tf2.
-Degreaser: I explained in-depht how the mechanic works so this time I'm going to make it fast. First 3 seconds > 1 dmg/a time; following 3 seconds > 3 dmg/a time; last 4 seconds > 5 dmg/a time. 1x2x3+3x2x3+5x2x4=6+18+40=64 total afterburn damage.
With this change I also think the Degreaser should get a buff in it's switch from/to speed and maybe also make the axetnguisher's switch to speed nerf a little less cruel, from 75% slower to 40% slower (like let's not meek the weapon total shit). Also since most flamethrowers are used to flame a bit, airblast and combo with a weapon, so let's make that flame at the beggining worse because we buff the afterburn. Let's add a thing like the minigun where you must be firing for 1 second of lower damage and then do the full damage. On the flamethrowers (all of them) the 1st second of firing should do a max of 20 damage (pretty small but needed in my opinion).

Idea 2: Make the afterburn strike 3 times a second. I can't really decide whitch idea is better so you chose in the comments!
Let's do the math now:
flamethrower: 3x3x10=60 damage
degreaser: 1x3x10=30 damage
A blatant buff that doesn't make any difference besides the damage (this is why I like the 1st idea more since it has some mind games behind it)

>>Now the bleed<<
Both ideas are going to be taken from the afterburn so I'll make it quick since this is big already:

1st idea: Bleed does more damage over time:
First 3 seconds it deals 5 damage a time and the following 2 seconds it deals 7 damage a time. 5x2x3+7x2x2=30+28=58 damage total. Again the bleed getting more worriful as time passes so I prefer this.

2nd idea: Bleed strikes 3 times a second:
3x5x5=3x25=75 damage total. Blatant damage buff.

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me till the end! I wouldn't read something this long myself!
Tell me what you think about afterburn and bleed!

posted about 7 years ago
#60 How I'd balance Scout in The Dumpster
viperTheTrueExperienceAnd being a scout main I lost a lot of my trust in this "competitive" tf2 site when half of the comments were "remove scout", "cut scout's legs" and some other shit about overwatch. But what can you do. Like Friberg once said: "If a game goes full retard you can only go with it. If you don't you only go half-retard and then you're done for."
the only reason people are memeing your thread that you made as a serious discussion on how to balance scout is because none of our ideas matter to valve

just because we can speculate on how to balance scout doesn't mean valve is obligated to change the attributes of a class that have gone unchanged since 2007

valve clearly doesn't listen to any sort-of balance changes we discuss on this forum, no matter how much they tell themselves they do

also people did it for free +frags and nerd stars, that's just life

Well you don't know until you try. I am sending feedback to the tf team via the email valve thingy and I hope they listen. I really like to think that they do listen and that maybe some of my ideas will make at least a small difference, maybe not this thread but other ideas that I already sent in emails and I'm going to mention here as well for feedback.

Really the best way to make your small voice heard is to make all the small voices agree with you until it becomes a bigger, more important voice to listen to.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 HUD-Editor 5000! Hud-editing tool idea in The Dumpster

And yes I know there is toonhud but I'd like to see this tool added to the game in an official manner and also do a better job than toonhud.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 HUD-Editor 5000! Hud-editing tool idea in The Dumpster

Well I was always bugged by the stock hud being... well buggy. Examples: The kill-streak counter or the heads counter on the Eyelander clip through the health bar or name tag of a disguise (If you are a disguised spy of curse).
So if people what a less-buggier hud or something more on their liking they have to find a hud made by others on or make one yourself (and it's not easy at all).

And here my idea comes in. A button in the main menu that is named "HUD-Editor 5000!" (thought a whole 5 minutes to get this name). You click on the flashy button and then you see your hud elements placed like how they should be, but you can move them in different locations on the screen, change their size, font, colour and so much more customization. A lot of togglable buttons that trigger specific hud elements like the halloween speel counter, spy disguise tag counter, playerID tag, but most importantly buttons for toggling resolutions. I hope one day this is going to be more than a dream since so many huds would be made and so many people won't be bugged by the bad hud. Also just making this tool doesn't mean the stock hud should remain broken. Add this tool and also fix the stock hud!

posted about 7 years ago
#57 How I'd balance Scout in The Dumpster

And being a scout main I lost a lot of my trust in this "competitive" tf2 site when half of the comments were "remove scout", "cut scout's legs" and some other shit about overwatch. But what can you do. Like Friberg once said: "If a game goes full retard you can only go with it. If you don't you only go half-retard and then you're done for."

posted about 7 years ago
#55 How I'd balance Scout in The Dumpster

Also for the talko, I think scout should actually be a semi-counter to soldier. but I am also the guy who dreams of a tf2 6v6 that has a class restriction of 1 and every class/unlock is viable in mids. I'm a mad man I know but what can I do. I also have ideas for buffing the afterburn and bleed effect since afterburn is useless and if afterburn gets a buff I think bleed should too. I'm going to make a thread about it. Also more threads coming with bugs mentioned and other mad ideas I get. Stay tuned :P

posted about 7 years ago
#54 How I'd balance Scout in The Dumpster
Daffodil-Stuff has added up over time. The med speed matching buff, the sticky nerf, and the popularization of gunboats have all helped to increase the power of scout in 6s. Scout is insane in 5cp and in low-medium player counts, so the effects of all this stuff getting added together is really noticeable. I wouldn't say there is really anything wrong to begin with- but the solution to whatever problem people are having isn't in unlocks lol.

Well scout is balanced... here's actually my fault in the thread's name. Here I am talking about balancing the scout's unlocks. Sorry for the inconvinience :/

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How I'd balance Scout in The Dumpster

>>>Now the Scout things<<<

-The Flying Guillotine: Keep the exact stats, the problem with the guillotine+sandman combo isn't the guillotine, it's The Sandman.

-The Sandman: As you said, instead of the stun people get speed debuff. Also it would be nice to also slow people with point-blank hits (cuz now point-blank ball hits only deal damage).

-The Backscatter: I think The Backscatter can be the best competitor to the scattergun. Make it like this: Mini-crits from the back, 20% less accurate and 6 shots in a clip (and no random crits). 20% less accuracy actually matters at close range face-to-face combat.

-Baby-Face Blaster: Keep the exact same stats but instead of 4 shots in a clip make is 6. Best way to balance it in my opinion. Also make it so a double-jump drains 50% boost instead of 75%.

-Soda Popper: I honestly don't know. The best idea I came up with is to make the Hype shorter, I mean instead of 9-10 seconds of Hype you only have 4 or 5.

-Shortstop and Force-A-Nature are balanced in my opinion

-Crit-A-Cola and Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol changes mentioned in the blog post are very good in my opinion.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Flame ball ability for Pyro. in TF2 General Discussion
Cronkthank you TheTrueExperience

No problem, happy to help :D

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Flame ball ability for Pyro. in TF2 General Discussion

So some time ago I thought of an idea to make pyro good in 1v1s, good to ambush and flank, good to defend. He was good at these already, but not as good as he had to be to actually do something. So I thought of a splash damage source that would also cause afterburn and that is the Flame ball. Well you'd say "Well the Pyro already has the Detonator or Scorch shot or even the Flare gun." those are good in combo attacks like burn,Airblast,flare and long range flares are really not useful (only of you hit someone already on fire witch is probably not going to happen). I wanted something like the Soldier's rocket launcher. So how I imagine it:

> Special attack (mouse3) or airblast replacement
> Usable on all flamethrowers
> Splash radius like or lower that the rocket launcher's
> Causes afterburn, but on the Degreaser afterburn still does 1 dmg
> Costs 50 ammo for stock Flame Thrower, 50 on Backburner (I thought of 75 but the weapon should be used for flanking so let's keep it at 50), 75 on Degreaser (people say the Degreaser is a upgrade from stock, well not anymore) and 50 on phlog BUT the ball itself doesn't fill the mphhh meter neither the ball's afterburn.
> Can Flame ball jump :D so Pyro can get around and bomb and flank better BUT the push force should be a little lower that the rocket launcher's.
> Does 70 base damage, max ramp-up does 90-95 dmg and max fall-off does 20-30 dmg.
> After the Airblast is used you can't use the Flame ball for 1-2 seconds so you can't do combos like the flare guns, since the flare guns exist. Also after you used the Flame ball you can't airblast, switch weapons or regular flame attack for 1-2 seconds

Lot's of stats and I think it would be a nice addition :D Tell me what you think!

posted about 7 years ago
#8 TF2 Launch Error: "Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' in Q/A Help

I have the same problem. Please help :(

posted about 7 years ago