Hey so I have a midly strange situation
*My current build is from 2010/2011 dec/jan +an SSD from July 2014
*I want to turn my current build into a mediaserver/netflix box (undervolt and under clock everything etc)
*I own a 120hz monitor, I want to get 241+ fps in TF2, CSGO, and Dota 2 at 1680x1050 on my new build, not afraid of and not a stranger to overclocking or specialty cooling
*I have no other requirements for my new system, all I will do with it is play these three games. No budget but want to keep it low as possible
My current build is:
CPU: Phenom II x6 1090T OC'd between ~3.6ghz and ~4.2ghz depending on time of year because no AC
MB: MSI 890FXA-GD65 (MS-7640)
RAM: G.Skill RAM : 8192 MB DDR3 Dual Channel 666.7 MHz (3:10) @ 7-7-7-21
Storage: Samsung Spinpoint F1 1tb
Storage: Crucial MX100 240gb
GPU Radeon HD 6850 1gb
Case: Coolermaster HAF 912
PSU: Corsair TX 750W
My vision is reusing the SSD, PSU, case, (and maybe RAM, I don't know if there have been advances in RAM since I bought mine, CL7 is nice to have in a gaming PC over a server I think) in the new system, and replacing them in the old build with something cheap and more appropriate for a media server ex. more efficent and lower power PSU, smaller case, slower RAM, foregoing an SSD. I'm not sure if I could reuse my GPU, but I have the feeling it couldn't keep up with a new processor as it is nearly 5 years old.
TL;DR recommend me an efficient PSU, ATX case, and RAM to go in my soon to be server PC, and a CPU, GPU, MB combo to go in my "new" PC
I don't care if the server ends up having more raw powerf than my new system for general computing, all I want are silky smooth frames.