wolsneInstead of playing mixchamp, some guy named frkshw copy+pasted the source code for pugchamp and renamed it "Freak Pugs" and turned it into a Frankenstein version of Bear's poverty/aid pugs which is populated by mostly low open/ugc players.
I'm actually one of the admins there and so far it's been pretty good. We're certainly not trying to compete with pugchamp or anything, and include extensive credit and donation links to ChampGG on the main site. Really it started out as a small circle of friend-players, but sort of blew up mid-June into a larger group of "open" players.
Also it uses discord which I thought would be disgusting and surprisingly is not that bad. Makes communication super easy through text, not so much through voice. The only reason discord works for this is because of the website, I would never recommend discord for an inhouse/orally drafted pug group.