aierathat APM is heavily cherrypicked and isn't fair to compare to starcraft whatsoever, melee's average APM is definitely way lower, and even average fox APM in general.
I'm not arguing that average APM is higher than SC:BW, I'm arguing that at the top level, technical skill is comparable to SC:BW. To quote Prog "most people figured out we put about six or seven inputs per second, which is roughly about the same as professional starcraft."
aieraif you are gonna use this argument also consider that they don't consider mousestrokes as APM but the do consider analog stick movement as APm
I'm not incredibly familiar with Starcraft, but selecting a group of units isn't as precise as shield dropping.
aierawhich is kinda a joke as I could argue I have off the chart APM when trying to get out of a wobble.
That would be kinda a joke if they counted grab mashing as inputs, but since it's impossible to tell how well they're mashing without seeing their controllers, inputs like that aren't counted in these APM totals.
aierashield dropping is way easier than you are making it sound, it isn't precise at all.
aieragood joke, you are doing while literally sitting in shield, at the most maybe dashing or charging a b special not at 200 APM
I'm not talking about shield dropping, I'm talking about melee's tech in general. Every movement and action in Melee is important and done for a purpose at the highest level, and if you do it wrong, you lose a stock. Also, I'm not only talking about technical skill, my point is Melee combines technical requirements with fast paced decision making against one person.
mustardoverlordwhile it might be hard to compare between genres, it's not that difficult to compare within a genre imo