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Signed Up November 19, 2013
Last Posted July 27, 2019 at 4:43 PM
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#2 Need Help Diagnosing PC Issues in Hardware

I mean you've kinda gotta go through all the individual issues. Have you tried running any ram/hdd stress tests or anything like that?

something like this

posted about 5 years ago
#3 arcadia lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dude is super chill and really fun to play with, even when stuff doesn't go his way he's always ready to play the next night.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Arcadia lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

our team sucked but arcadia is a total homie and is good. pick him up.

posted about 8 years ago
#1392 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Weird. I'm not quite sure what I think of it.

I've been a little obsessed with this album the last few days.

posted about 8 years ago
#1378 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

country music that doesn't suck is rare, but it's a treat when you find it.

posted about 8 years ago
#161 2016 NHL Playoffs Thread in Off Topic

dude nashville's defense is unreal. It feels like there's more preds on the ice.

posted about 8 years ago
#196 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

dude i loved nhl 2005

posted about 8 years ago
#159 2016 NHL Playoffs Thread in Off Topic
DreamboatFuck the penguins

you're the hero that deserves

posted about 8 years ago
#152 2016 NHL Playoffs Thread in Off Topic
apparently the blues offered the dude tickets to game 3

Reebok bought him a jersey too.

posted about 8 years ago
#146 2016 NHL Playoffs Thread in Off Topic

Arcadia said you guys would like these

Ninja edit: Wings are my team but they suck. go lightning.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Therapy Session in Off Topic

this is too much paragraph and in the wrong section, but NF is pretty good.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 is suicide a joke? in Off Topic

yeah i love myself some edgy memes but this is actually pretty bad. dont be a loser, buy a defuser have some respect for each other.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 TFTV Melee Netplay Tourney #4 in Other Games

Thundersn0w Idaho
netplay is cancer and I hate it.
gonna be fun.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Jet Set Radio (+Others) Free on steam in Other Games

inb4 steam takes it from everyone.
Seriously though JSR is amazing thanks.

posted about 9 years ago
#68 What is the hardest e-sport in Off Topic
MagikarpSC takes tons, if not, probably the most in terms of multitasking in a competitive game. It requires:
High knowledge(there is A LOT to know), High responses, High APM(or speed in general of playing), multitasking of macro and micro to the core, and mistakes can become very punishing.

I've explained some of Melee's technical depth in other posts above, and I don't really wanna explain that again. Mistakes in Melee are so punishing that in many matchups a grab at 0% means death, barring a mistake.

MagikarpI'm not saying melee doesn't have a lot of those, but I'd definitely say it doesn't require as much multitasking. In the end it becomes "choose a field, two players choose a character, fight". I can understand that you have to somewhat have the field memorize and know certain spots to know about, while also knowing about the enemy character in general and aspects of it.

I don't know enough about SC to be able to comment on the multitasking, but I can say that between movement, punish game, neutral game, learning your opponent's patterns, and adapting to options or playstyles you haven't seen before, Melee has a lot of stuff to deal with. Stage memorization isn't really a thing once the match has started. A bit of the true craziness of Melee can be seen once you think of characters as a tool kit for players to use, not opponents. Sure, characters tend to have different playstyles, but Melee is a game primarily played against the opponent rather than the game. The opponent has options, and your job is to figure out what options they're going to use and/or are using and how to beat them with the tools at your character's disposal. The reason bad characters in Melee are bad is because their toolkits are missing important pieces. Imagine trying to build a house without a hammer.

MagikarpBut most players at the highest level already know about that and have it embedded by the time the match starts

Sure, top level players have a much more innate understanding of the game than some random, but it doesn't change the fact that your opponent can surprise you. Melee (as with other fighting games) is kind of like rock-paper-scissors. If the best option for my opponent to do is rock, I should obviously pick paper, right? But the problem is that if my opponent knows this, he can pick paper and beat me. Also sometimes paper beats scissors and rock-paper-scissors is much simpler than Melee, but there is no way to always win at Melee, and there's definitely not a way to learn this subconciously.

MagikarpQuake is a lot different from a 2D-like fighter game.

I couldn't agree with you more, and it's even harder to make a direct comparison between Quake and Melee than it is to make a comparison between Starcraft and Melee. But I'll try.

MagikarpQuake requires aim(important), movement(in a different way from melee), knowledge(this knowledge is different), predictions, hearing(hear item pickups/weapon sounds/movement), and one of the most important: item timings.

So let's break this down into categories. I'm gonna list a few aspects of Melee and try to compare them to aspects of Quake. The neutral game in Melee is similar to all of the things you've said combined besides aim and movement. At the base level, both games' neutral game is all about taking the information you have and applying it to what your opponent has been doing or is known to do. I don't think these are really comparable, as they're both kind of like a weird, complex version of rock-paper-scissors, so I'm gonna just call that part a tie. We're going to compare the movement from Quake to the technical demands of Melee. I feel like Melee is much harder than Quake from a purely technical standpoint. (I'm not including aim) Aim in Quake can be compared to the punish game and defense after you get hit combined. I think Quake takes the cake on this one because once the opponent is in an advantageous position in Melee, gameplay is mostly about damage control rather than trying to kill the opponent. Overall I'd say that Melee and Quake are very similar in the rock-paper-scissors department, although in Quake you can compensate for a lacking neutral (prediction and item timings) with a strong punish game. (ridiculous aim) I'd say this makes Melee a bit harder since you have to be extremely proficient in all three facets of the game (neutral, punish, and technical) to be successful. I'm not as knowledgeable in SC and Quake as I am in Melee, however, so please let me know where I'm wrong.

posted about 9 years ago
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