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Signed Up February 25, 2015
Last Posted February 25, 2015 at 4:01 PM
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#546 flatHUD in Customization
HerganTiger313HerganTiger313HerganTiger313HerganTiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.

Hmm... weird, what are you using to copy it? WinRAR, 7-zip, standard Windows .zip manager?

I'm not really sure to be honest, I clicked download zip and then I just moved the files over to tf/custom, I tried the tf/custom/my_custom_stuff sub aswell so it would scan it as well and no results

You need to open the .zip file and choose the version you want to use, red or blue, then copy it to tf/custom and it should work

Not to be rude but I'll repeat that I'll take screenshots of this, I choose blue and I checked every folder before I copied it, brought it over to tf/custom, nothing was brought over inside of the folder.

That's super weird then, I have no idea what's happening

I used 7-zip and I extracted everything, its in tf/custom and I start it up, I still have the standard menu and everything

posted about 10 years ago
#544 flatHUD in Customization
HerganTiger313HerganTiger313HerganTiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.

Hmm... weird, what are you using to copy it? WinRAR, 7-zip, standard Windows .zip manager?

I'm not really sure to be honest, I clicked download zip and then I just moved the files over to tf/custom, I tried the tf/custom/my_custom_stuff sub aswell so it would scan it as well and no results

You need to open the .zip file and choose the version you want to use, red or blue, then copy it to tf/custom and it should work

Not to be rude but I'll repeat that I'll take screenshots of this, I choose blue and I checked every folder before I copied it, brought it over to tf/custom, nothing was brought over inside of the folder.

posted about 10 years ago
#542 flatHUD in Customization
HerganTiger313HerganTiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.

Hmm... weird, what are you using to copy it? WinRAR, 7-zip, standard Windows .zip manager?

I'm not really sure to be honest, I clicked download zip and then I just moved the files over to tf/custom, I tried the tf/custom/my_custom_stuff sub aswell so it would scan it as well and no results

posted about 10 years ago
#540 flatHUD in Customization
HerganTiger313Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you
Does the folder you copy have those files inside of it BEFORE copying?

Yes it does, I'll be more then happy to provide screenshots of the folder and all the stuff it has inside, and then the lack there of in the folder I copy to tf/custom, they don't carry over is what I'm seeing and it doesn't copy the text or .png files as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#538 flatHUD in Customization

Not sure if this is a bug or my laptop messing up but whenever I copy and bring the folder into tf/custom, it will show the folder, yet hold nothing. I thought "oh, maybe it will have everything when I start Tf2 up" yet nothing happens. Can someone like walk me through this cause I'm more then confused on how to get this to work. Thank you

posted about 10 years ago