dollarlayerYou take a guy that is a racist and a loner, add some drugs to the mix, and you can have an insane killer!
Let's be real here. Anyone that is a full blown racist probably also has some serious mental issues.
Although I do think some measures should be taken to prevent these crazies from owning guns, the fact of the matter is that people are going to find a way to kill regardless of if a weapon is legal or not.
If someone wants to kill a bunch of people they could easily do more killing by mowing down a group of people in a heavy duty truck then with a gun.
I still fully support our second amendment rights. Guns can't kill, people kill, and people can and do defend themselves and save lives every single day because of guns.
You forgot to mention that the US is not only the #1 in gun owning per capita but ALSO #1 in illegal export of firearms to other countries, primarily to central and south america, you know the place with all of the drugs and cartels? Yeah the same place that the US government declared war on, you guys are causing or at least allowing a good 80% of that shit to go down just because "but mah gun rights" and "nah guns (things that are specifically engineered and created to kill the most things with the least effort) yeah those things don't kill people, not at all". Also i really have to ask if you feel so unsafe around where you live that you HAVE to have equipment thats is specifically made to "protect" (kill) people why the fuck do you live there? Its like not eating anything and then wondering why you have no energy... or better yet its like stuffing yourself obese and then wondering why your healthcare system is so fucked.
Im sorry i know that there is nothing anyone can say or do because the US likes to think thats its a special snowflake or some shit and has special benefits to X Y or Z but if i (and almost any other sane person, correct me if i am wrong) was living in a place that i was so afraid of everyone around me i wouldn't stay there and try to justify it id fuckign leave. Its like some huge Stockholm syndrome for the entire country shits fucked.