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Signed Up February 9, 2014
Last Posted April 9, 2014 at 12:19 PM
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#54 How to Make Videos for TF2 in Videos

the dl link for lawena is dead.
aAlso, does anyone know how to to render video in sony vegas 12 without frame interleaving? I have a 30 fps recording and im rendering my project at 30 fps and I always get frame interleaving.

posted about 10 years ago
#88 most played map in TF2 General Discussion

koth_harvest_final: 243
mge_training_v7: 66
cp_process_final: 42
cp_badlands: 22

I'm new to 6's, and I almost never get to play badlands in PUGs because everyone is so tired of it. Its really a shame because I like the map a lot. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#57 pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

A lot of this thread has been talking about people who are new to the competetive scene, specifically what new people like myself may or may not want to see in 6's. Personally, I found the world of competetive 6 vs 6 very confusing and intimidating. I think implimenting an intricate vote/ban system would only make it even more confusing for new players. The whitelist system thats currently in place seems like it is clearly the best option.

On a side note, I think introducing new maps (process, metalworks, sunshine, ect.) is a much better way to keep the game from getting stale than new weapons.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Open lf roamer + med in Recruitment (looking for team)

I am interested in playing backup as roamer. Should I add somebody on steam to discuss things further?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Roamer LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I am still looking for a team to play with. I'd also be willing to play backup at this point.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Open Team LF Backups in Recruitment (looking for team)

I am interested in trying out for roamer backup.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 CEVO Open Team LF Scout and Pocket! in Recruitment (looking for team)

Do you guys still need a roamer?
Your last post says just pocket, but the OP says roamer and pocket. I figured it would be worth asking.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Roamer LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm looking for a spot on my first 6's team. I've watched competetive TF2 for over a year, but am new to actually playing in the 6's format. I've always wanted to play roamer on a 6's team, but was too scared to make the jump into competetive. I've dedicated myself to improving until the day that I felt comfortable enough to take on the responsibility of being on a team. I've drilled rollouts by myself for hours at a time. I've spents at least a hundred hours practicing air control on jump maps over the last year. I try to play MGE atleast once every day to stay sharp and improve my aim. Recently, I started playing TF2mix PUGs to see if I can actually do the things that I've been training for. PUGs are a great experience, but I think if I want to keep improving I need to try and gel with a long-term team.

Videogames are about fun. The absolute most fun thing for me is to see myself improve. I want to see how far I can push myself. Winning or losing is not important to me; all I want is to learn as much as possible from every game. My personality it pretty laid back. The only person I will ever get mad at is myself. I would like to be on a team whose first priority is also improving.

Here are some twitch VODs of me playing roamer in TF2mix PUGs:

posted about 11 years ago
#1 [stream] TomSinister in Requests

- Stream mostly TF2 content
I plan on streaming TF2 about 50% of the time. The other 50% will be fighting games and speedruns.

- Stream consistently over the course of the week
I stream whenever I want. Sometimes I'll stream 3 or 4 days in a week, sometimes I won't stream for a month.

- Provide a link to your stream

- Provide a brief description of your stream
I'm brand new to competetive TF2. This stream provides a glimpse of the world of 6's through the eyes of a roamer just starting to learn the intricacies of competetive play. I play PUGs, MGE, pubs and jump maps.

- State your country of residence
United States

posted about 11 years ago