Account Details
SteamID64 76561198043849375
SteamID3 [U:1:83583647]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:41791823
Country Taiwan, Province of China
Signed Up October 10, 2012
Last Posted December 19, 2014 at 11:26 AM
Posts 218 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK
Keyboard Microsoft Sidewinder X4
Mousepad SteelSeries 9HD
Headphones Gold Xiaomi 2nd Piston Earphones
Monitor Samsung 2233RZ
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#38 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization


Please add the Konr Wings crosshair.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Invite/Premier Streams in TF2 General Discussion

Epsilon (due to pc issues, he won't be streaming again until he gets the streaming card he won)

Crack Clan (team stream)

broder (team stream)


can't think of any

Skidmark Central aka Nerd Party aka BFF

Vinland aka "90° Fov eSports ATK-Gaming"

can't think of any

I typed most of those from memory so there might be some typos or some missing.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 March 2013 in News

Would've been nice to see some European clips that weren't from Epsilon. Like Jukebox sniping or something...

Everything else was amazing though!

edit: also I'm pretty sure it's mire-lin not mi-relin

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Tf2 Dream Team in TF2 General Discussion

schocky and cookye scouts
mike pocket
jukebox roamer
numlocked demo
mirelin med

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Your weirdest dreams in Off Topic

I'm in this stereotypical fairy tale cottage thing in the countryside, the inside of which is a combination of my grandparents' house and my friend's house. A hench twenty-something dude in a bobble hat and a dozen or so 5-year-olds charge in and ransack the house looking for me. I sneak by them once they're all in, I'm about to leave via the front door when they spot me. They all begin chasing. The front garden of the cottage thing is steeply sloped (with the house at the bottom of the slope). I run up the slope, but the children and the muscly dude stop chasing, and simply walk instead. A pair of the kids are having a conversation about hemispheres or something. A bottomless abyss is at the top of the slope, which I guess is why they stopped chasing. I do an impossibly far jump over the abyss, the kids and big dude fall into the abyss behind me and a random polar bear comes and attacks me, since Antarctica was on the other side of the abyss.

I'm in a church/monastery/thing, a bunch of monks are there too (come to think of it, the monks looked just like the ones from this ad). Creepy aliens come - they are fully naked, pale white and have an upwards angled spike protruding from their chins, but have no genitals or facial features. They hypnotise/mind-control/brainwash the monk people to begin frantically mutilating themselves using whatever they can find (I remember one using a kunai and another using a spiky chain). Some begin to chase me and run away up some stairs.

Zombie apocalypse with characters from the Orwell book Animal Farm.

Hunger Game(r)s in a giant underwater plastic bubble with ESEA Invite players fighting using the weaps their ingame classes use. Tyrone wins, somehow.

I am being led up some stone stairs by Dumbledore. The stairs are attached to the outside of a castle spire, which is so high up the ground is barely visible. It's very windy so I'm clinging onto the banister for fear of falling. Dumbledore begins to deliver some long-winder soliloquy. I think "fuck, this is boring" and check the YouTube comments to see whether someone has posted when the soliloquy ends (just like how on TF2 cast vids, people normally comment when matches start and when pauses end and such), there is one such comment (it says 3:55), I click it and it skips to Dumbledore opening some doors for me to enter the castle. I meet a ginger girl and start to play NSMB on my DS.

posted about 11 years ago
#81 i49 Fundraiser Showmatch: Epsilon eSports vs. High Rollers Gaming in Events

where will the stv itself be uploaded to?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Lawena not working with Steampipe in Q/A Help

Ok, now my the configs get replaced correctly, but the game doesn't start, the Lawena window is left on "starting tf2" and I have to close it through the task manager. The launch options aren't getting replaced.

posted about 11 years ago
#78 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

I had a dream where something was called Tooni - I can't remember anything about the dream anymore, in fact, I'm not sure if I even had one :p

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Lawena not working with Steampipe in Q/A Help

I can't get Lawena to work properly with Steampipe. Is an update for it being made to fix this?

By the looks of it, the only problem is that it's replacing the resource, scripts and cfg folders in Team Fortress 2/tf/ rather than in Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/my_custom_stuff.

Are there any other recording tool options that work with Steampipe?

posted about 11 years ago

KonrWings with crosshair5

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Does anyone know what this hud is? in TF2 General Discussion
UniverserulerHow'd he get those boxes to pop up?

still works

posted about 11 years ago
#135 What yall think of... in TF2 General Discussion
Sabersei hui du ni nei ge lao to yong de zi

my pinyin is real shit i'm sorry

this is almost readable to me :|

shei hui du ni na ge lao tou yong de zi
is that what you meant?

KaeyelPlease get this simplified Chinese shit out of here. PLEASE.

为什么你在罵我们? :D

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware
leonWithADanceNumberCan someone recommend me a mouse with a similar shape/sensor to the death adder but with better build quality?
Zowie ec1 looks similar, has anyone used it?

It also has mouse accel built into it and cannot be turned off and the side buttons feel as if they could break easily. They haven't broken for me yet but I don't use them as much. Aside from the side buttons its a good mouse would recommend it.

only the original EC1 & 2 have accel edit: prediction, not accel, apparently, the EC1 & 2 EVO editions have this problem fixed.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 grape hud in Customization

I love it.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 whats your sensitivity ? in TF2 General Discussion

dpi: 900
windows multiplier: default
ingame: 1.54


posted about 11 years ago
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