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SteamID64 76561198126935621
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Country Spain
Signed Up May 17, 2017
Last Posted May 18, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Posts 49 (0 per day)
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#56 community frags 5 in Videos

Name: Traxgarte
Country: Spain
tick 87250 Double airshot on process 2nd
tick 16000 3k Defending process last
tick 26000 Small airshot defending rollout

(I know i posted before but i forgot some)

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Thinking of a December LAN in Spain in LAN Discussion

Can't think of any words that could express my amount of hype towards this, so i'll type a twitch emote.


posted about 6 years ago
#42 community frags 5 in Videos

Name: Traxgarte
Country: Spain
Tick: 3400
Desc: Airshot a solly jumping for our med

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Payload: the TF2 Discord bot that does it all. in Projects

Any chance on implementing features similar to the ones for UGC and ESEA but for ETF2L?

Other than that, looks great.

posted about 6 years ago
#29 smash summit 6 in Esports

I've to wake up in barely 3 hours and i haven't even gone to sleep because this is so motherfucking hype.

The Zain Domain is popping off still.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Ban the "b4nny bind" in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe it's just me, but spawn seems like it SHOULD be the safe space, once you get there, nothing else could really do much, and shutters are LARGELY frustrating, specially if a teammate tries to get out of spawn at the same time you're being chased. Also most spawn doors have a long way from the cabinet to the door, which is fair in the sense of making people not just stand by the shutter all the time to get health back but it slows down gameplay a lot of times for no real reason aside.

I'm all about reducing dead time and making spawn shutters less infuriating, so i wouldn't agree to ban that bind, but that could be just me or i'm thinking wrong about it. The thing is that i haven't ever had a problem with my opponents using it against me either, really, so i dont see why it should be gone.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Item giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

Oh well, didn't expect that tbh. Good luck.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 magic the gathering: arena in Other Games
MakIts a bretty good way to play mtg online. Shame the card pool is currently only the 2 most recent sets, but its early beta.

There's actually 4 sets (2 blocks though, if you meant that).

My major grip with the game is that the economy looks like its made to be super slow, not even enough tools to consider it a grind, it just caps off so fast, just to force people to buy packs. For non-beginners looking for a free way to play mtg online, look up xmage, its like a shitty looking mtgo.

The game should still be a fine tool for beginners to get into the game, though, its just not a long-term plan unless you wanna drop in a ton of money every 2 months (set release).

posted about 6 years ago
#4 My goodbye to TF2 in Off Topic

If this is bait i'm taking it but for real, this is a decision you can't take back and we're impulsive.

The only way for things to get better in life is to perdure even if everything seems lost, because there's always a way, hard as it may be. You can always try to fix things but suicide is not something you can undo.
Life has a lot of things worth staying for, and if you're now going through a bad stage in life, find support, stay strong and everything will get better with your effort and the effort from the people surrounding you.

I realize i'm probably not the best person to have a conversation about this with, but still if you need someone to talk with just hmu.

posted about 6 years ago
#31 i63 Confirmed in TF2 General Discussion

18:32 - valorous: how many downfrags do u think i can get responding to cyanic
18:32 - valorous: take a guess
18:33 - valorous: its like one of them "guess how much the cake weighs" games

Don't feed the autistic child, it's what he wants.

More on topic: I can't confirm i'll attend i63 but will definitely be looking closely.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 open letter to everyone who lies about damage in The Dumpster

me: "100 on scout, 100 on demo overextended, focus demo"
team: killing some random soldier somewhere on the other corner of mid and we lose positions in mid

team: actually kills both of them and we win mid

I prefer not to do it, but sometimes i really need to bait my team a bit, specially in mixes.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Se7en to Rewind 2 in LAN Discussion

Dope announcement, go se7en!

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Map of all official Valve servers! in TF2 General Discussion

Even I've gotten into Washington servers during really bad ping nights when my ISP goes to shit, and i'm from spain so.

posted about 6 years ago
#47 Community Frags 3 in Projects tick:3000

Post-pyro update
Edit: stv

posted about 6 years ago
#23 Community Frags 3 in Projects
CyanicComangliaIf that's the cast what happened to the old videos?
Just need to check if those frags have been used anywhere else.

Man, no one will care if the frags have been anywhere else, that doesn't make then the owners, many clips have been submitted and used in many vids at once and nothing has happened.

Your stuff is top notch, even if a player would not know you were using their clips i don't think when they find out they're gonna be mad at you, they're gonna feel honored and stare in awe if anything.

posted about 7 years ago
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