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SteamID64 76561198126935621
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Country Spain
Signed Up May 17, 2017
Last Posted May 18, 2019 at 1:14 PM
Posts 49 (0 per day)
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#27 birthday giveaway! :D in Off Topic

Planning on getting a replacement for my 7 years old pc so that would help.

Happy birthday!

posted about 5 years ago
#2 ETF2L announces The Fresh Meat Challenge #2 in News

Actual Pog right here!

I know many people who still plays or gave it a serious run after the first challenge, and it was honestly the best that had happened to ETF2L in a long time. Now i don't expect this second one to have as great of an effect because places like the subreddit seem to distanciate themselves everytime more and more from the comp side of things, but it's still gonna be great i'm sure of it.

If there's anyone doubting if they should participate, stop thinking about it and join! Lots of fun, and don't necessarily need to commit more than to just the challenge so just enjoy this experience.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 very cool and exciting speedruns to watch in Other Games

Idk if they would exactly fall into the speedrun category although i don't see why not either, but i really enjoy watching Path of Exile (Hardcore Solo Self Found) races to Lv 85 with all the added elements of the "hardcore" mode and the fact that there are multiple people competing at the same time.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 What's your 2019 resolution? in Off Topic

Top 8 in a "big" smash ultimate tournament (in spain LUL)

posted about 6 years ago
#61 community frags 6 in Videos

Oh boi here we go again
Name: Traxgarte
Country: Spain
Tick: 81000
Pipe double airshot on bombing solly

posted about 6 years ago
#43 Who does not use Iron Bomber in TF2 General Discussion

I used iron bomber before the changes to it mostly because i prefered the sound and appearance + it was nice to experiment with different spam angles to maximize the chance of hitting with rollers if you couldn't hit them with the pipe itself.

That said, there are 2 main aspects nowadays for me to not go back to stock and those are min viewmodels (stock just looks kinda weird, but iron bomber is a bit more reasonable) and because it "feels" more consistent, i don't know if that last statement is true at all, but the tumble with stock pipes made me a bit psyched at times when i missed close shots or my spam pipes hit walls if it was really my fault or not, and with iron bomber i can be almost certain that when i miss a shot, other bullshit aside, it's most probably my own fault.

The shorter fuse really does not matter all that much and is truly a sidegrade kind of stat, since losing long range spam angles vs 1 every 2 fights dealing 30 extra damage is actually rather close. I'd say the iron bomber may be a bit more consistant if anything, but i don't think you're putting yourself at really that big of a disadvantage if you choose to run stock.

posted about 6 years ago
#34 community frags 6 in Videos

Posting again cuz sicc fragz
Name: Traxgarte
Country: Spain
Tick: 96000 for double airshot. 41500 for nice vertical airshot

posted about 6 years ago
#18 community frags 6 in Videos

Name: Traxgarte
Country: Spain
Tick: 95000
Description: Nice quick airshot in Sunshine mid

posted about 6 years ago
#2 dragon ball fighterz humble bundle in Other Games

Good game, easy to get started with (while still being hard to master) and decent community at least in the EU, idk about NA.

Would recommend.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Keep alt-tabbing out of the game randomly in Q/A Help


WafuI had this issue a few days ago and mine was linked to Avast. I went into settings and in the components tab there was a do not disturb mode which was active, I uninstalled that and the issue went. Hope this helps someone.

This worked for me! I hope it works for everyone else with the same problem aswell

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Keep alt-tabbing out of the game randomly in Q/A Help

#9 I'll try it out tomorrow, but i'm hopeful from what #10 said!

Of course, i'll edit the main post once i can see 100% it works :)

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Keep alt-tabbing out of the game randomly in Q/A Help

#4 It didn't work, but thanks for trying. Although i'd like to know what's the reasoning for that method.

#5 That's curious. I'll try deleting my hud, although i haven't changed it recently. I'll edit this further.

EDIT: Going back to default HUD didn't work either.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Keep alt-tabbing out of the game randomly in Q/A Help

I was originally in fullscreen when it happened and i've tried switching to borderless windowed with no results.

I have a single monitor.

Thanks for your help though

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Keep alt-tabbing out of the game randomly in Q/A Help

So yesterday, i was playing a bit of mge with some of my team and the game was acting normal, but i was getting alt-tabbed out of the game at seemingly completely random times. I could go for up to 10 minutes without having it happen, or have it happen twice in the span of 5 seconds, so i haven't noticed any kind of pattern in that sense.

Also noting that i had played both during the morning and later during the evening, and the problem started during the evening, with seemingly no reason since i don't recall having done anything to alter the system since, i just took a break and came back and booted up tf2 like always.

I don't recall anything having been updated recently, but it's possible that Windows 10 updated without me realising because i don't check how my computer is doing while i leave it shutting down.

I've since run a few scans with SuperAntiSpyware, Malwarebytes and Avast and nothing outside simple adtracking cookies was found and deleted. It persists.

I've tried giving hl2.exe a higher priority on the task manager but again no to avail.

It's absurdly infuriating and i don't know what to do anymore. Ask whatever info about the system you may need, i'll try to answer as best i can.

EDIT: Realized i could add a few more observations i've gathered since the problem started.

- Only happens in TF2. Was playing DBFighterZ right after for a solid half hour and there was no such problem.
- There doesn't need to be user input. It happened when spectating or dead, when my hands were completely away from both keyboard and mouse.
- It tabs out to whatever is open. If there's nothing it goes to the desktop, so there's seemingly no connection with anything open.
- I don't see any CMD prompt when tabbed out.

EDIT 2: This worked for me! I played for around half an hour with no issues

WafuI had this issue a few days ago and mine was linked to Avast. I went into settings and in the components tab there was a do not disturb mode which was active, I uninstalled that and the issue went. Hope this helps someone.
posted about 6 years ago
#2 Tf2center as demoman in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, TF2Center, at least in EU, is kind of the equivalent of pubs for 6s, where people just go around not really caring much about their teammates but just trying to do well for themselves and that is rough as demoman where you really need to feed off your teammates and viceversa.

Of course you can always try to play more passively and see what your teammates do, but even that is tough in an environment without calls and trying to deviate any much more from playing like on an actual team for the mere sake of doing well in TF2Center will give you some bad habits. If anything, at least as a demo main, i'd only treat TF2Center as somewhat of a DM server that is not just played on mid and wouldn't really worry much about the outcome of the game or even your own KD as long as you are able to realize when you did right or wrong despite what ended up happening.

posted about 6 years ago
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