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Signed Up May 10, 2015
Last Posted February 24, 2016 at 5:22 PM
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#7 Working linux server not port forwarding. in Q/A Help


posted about 9 years ago
#5 Working linux server not port forwarding. in Q/A Help
ArieYou're forwarding port 27015 from the external IP to the IP of the VM. However, your TF2 server is not listening on that address.

Adding -ip or +ip (I keep forgetting which) will make your TF2 server listen on the right address.

edit: Oh I'm so slow

:P thx
-ip actually, also, should I do like the actual IP? Or just the network one, to point to that specific adapter? I.e. or just the network ip
The electrecity went down right after I figured it out, I was Also halfway through setting up WOL.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Working linux server not port forwarding. in Q/A Help
yttriumCan you post a log?

Sounds to me like the VM has multiple network adapters and you need to force the server to bind to the non-default one by forcing the IP, like you suggested.

Screen does not act like a VM and would not cause this. I've used both Screen and Byobu with TF2 servers before without issue.

It's available internally because it's bindingto the internal adapter rather than the external one.

Are you using Virtualbox or VMWare?

I'm gonna try that. VirtualBox. Thanks :D

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Working linux server not port forwarding. in Q/A Help

Hey, so I'm putting up a tf2 server in linux for the first time, it's on a vm and it all works perfectly. Now the problem is that when I try to port forward it (everything is set to on 27015), it'll give me a connection refused if I try to connect from the outside.
So the console tells me it's running on 27015, I have 2 routers, one forwards to another that forwards to the vm, it works I've done it with the http server, now, with the tf2 server is a different story, it works on lan, can connect and everything, manage it through the screen command whenever I want to. sv_lan is set to 0.
Thing is it gives me this internal IP, I really don't remember that happening when I did it on windows. The actual machine's ip is So what is happening here? I don't know why I feel like "-ip" wouldn't do much for me but I might try it when I get home.
The the external IP is correct.
The VM is in bridged adapter mode so there should be no need to do anything else.
I have checked everything a lot of times so I don't really get it.
Now that I think of it it might be the screen thing, as is the loopback IP maybe screen is running the server like a vm inside the vm it already is, but then again that would make no sense since I can connect to the server through So if it's available internally why wouldn't it be from the outside if the ports are forwarded?

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Constant projectile delay possible? in Q/A Help
trashwhen they're getting 50ms gaps all the time in variability, I can see why they'd want that. it's like how you view FPS, higher FPS might not be preferred if that higher FPS stutters to uselessness all the time

exactly :D

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Constant projectile delay possible? in Q/A Help
Gemmellnessthere's probably a way you can add artificial latency to your game, e.g. add 50ms if you're at 50 ping, set it to 0ms if you're at 100 ping.

though that sounds awful and tbh i'd rather play with the lowest ping possible and use high ping as an excuse if you fuck up

edit: get the windows binaries for dummynet, then use the following commands (admin command prompt)
ipfw pipe 1 config delay 100ms
ipfw add 100 pipe 1 ip from any to server-ip
ipfw add 101 pipe 1 ip from server-ip to any

I think you'll need to change the pipe number (1) and the rule label (100, 101) for each server to prevent them overwriting each other. you also need to change the server-ip and the delay (to half the difference between your ping and the goal ping).

Thanks! Imma take a good look at that!
You really know your stuff :D

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Constant projectile delay possible? in Q/A Help

Hi!, so my ping varies a lot between servers, arround 50 to 100, so is there a way to mess with interp or other settings in order to get a consistent projectile shooting delay after the mouse click? Maybe this is me bitching, but it's really annoying to switch between servers and not hitting shots because the projectile comes out inconsistently, I'd rather always play like I have 100 ping.
Thank you in advance :)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 DeathMatch plugin welp? in Q/A Help
janedoeits called soap dm

i miss lange

thx a lot
we all do, but he'll come back I'm sure :D

posted about 9 years ago
#1 DeathMatch plugin welp? in Q/A Help

Take as an example. Before the games start there's a deathmatch part. I want to put that on my server, without tfTrue.
Found this, but it says it supports maps like 2fort, so I'm not sure that's actually it.
Thx in advance.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Need help setting up 128 tick in LAN Discussion
cirloCan this thread help you somehow?

been there done that :/

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Need help setting up 128 tick in LAN Discussion
the301stspartanIsn't 128 tick broken in tf2?

There are high end comp servers that run it. It's hard coded.
For example if you go look in comanglia's cfgs, in the network part he has settings to run on these servers.
It kinda broke the game a while ago with things like doors, but valve fixed some of it.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 release matchmaking now in TF2 General Discussion

Now is relative enough.

I'm not too concerned about MM, although I'm kinda worried it'll bring the intellectual level of tf2 down. I mean most of the people who get to the highest rank, I feel like, won't even know about respawn times and capping, for example.
I'm bad, my game sense is horrible, but I still know the stuff that goes on in high end tf2, from watching b4nny's shoutcasts and stuff, and that gives me that chance too improve, I'm just worried that stuff might get buried under the massive pile of stupidity and meta-game that might go on in MM.
But it shouldn't be much of a problem, cuz it will always be there for someone to pick up and use in their advantage,

Show Content
unlike games such as csgo that have basically no mechanics other than point and shoot.
posted about 9 years ago
#1 Need help setting up 128 tick in LAN Discussion

Been looking around in the webs, anything that isn't orangebox guides doesn't work, server keeps telling me tickrate enabler failed to load. Also I read about the need of some 3rd party software for the server to be able to run at 128, but I tried several and it still doesn't work.
I know it's kinda useless in lan but I just wanna do it for the sake of it.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Monthly frag vid featuring the community project. in Videos

I'm starting to make well edited quality frag movie series, and any of you guys can enter it.
DEMOS: All you have to is pick up a nice demo and send it to
I will mostly take competitive demos unless you have something insane.
You must send me the tick of the demo if it's more than 3 seconds long.
SOURCE FILM MAKER: I know some of you guys can do some amazing animations, so if you want it in the vid and it's around than 4 seconds long, pick up the project files, zip it and send it to the same address.
YOU: Every player name will be in the frag/s they get, the SFMs's makers's will be in the end of the video with their name on top of a small version of the clip Any links you want to share with people like your blog or so will be in the description!
I'm going around the tf2 community trying to make this happen so help out and make yourself famous!
Have a nice day!

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Demos, ticks, and music advice. in Videos
Kaneco4k is definitely overkill. A 3mins video will probably take like 1TB+ if you record in 4k, also it's not really worth it because you will have a lot more difficulty editing and a lot more crashes / time to render to preview than if it was 1080p.

As for music and general advice you can check my resource thread here which can help you with some stuff

Thank you so much!! It'll definitely help.
I was going with 4k to help out with any people who were curious about how it'd go with tf2.
I'm doing lawena and sfm, all with image sequences to keep quality as high as possible, premier and after effects will do the rest of the magic, supposedly.
But the problem I'm having here is finding the demos! Any place people just dump good demos?

posted about 9 years ago
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