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Signed Up February 4, 2013
Last Posted August 21, 2013 at 4:16 PM
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#23 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

Ignoring the fact that 6s evolved from a ruleset similar to the one above, it seems like you'd see more variation in play style with 1 of each class. One reason for this is that everyone would always run 2 demos with the other rule set.

posted about 11 years ago
#501 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

#500: I assume he means that their presence could make previously less viable strats into more viable strats. So, for example, if Blu soldier knows Red medic is using vitasaw, Blu soldier might choose to use the direct hit because of it's ability to do a point blank 140 damage shot.

Even so, you're asking an unfair question: the whole point of "changes in meta" is that you can't predict for sure what they are--they're "emergent gameplay" and their unpredictability is part of their appeal.

posted about 11 years ago
#117 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

@ 116:

1) You conclude that because you can't ban stock weapons, using default will become the most common playstyle. How is that a problem?

2) The fact that some weapons are straight upgrades means that they'll be banned more often, flagging them as in need of revision. Again, how is this a problem?

posted about 11 years ago
#107 Highlander pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

As I understand these are Valve's priorities:
1) Make a highlander lobby system accessible to pub players.
2) Get lots of data about which weapons need fixing.

Having a perfectly "balanced" whitelist is irrelevant to both of these goals. It may turn out that all of UGC's banned weapons are consistently banned, but they don't need to be banned in every game.

To make these games very accessible, I'd say just let each player ban 1 weapon from their own class. The ban would apply to both teams. It could be a simple check box and the ban could be blind. Overlaps would be allowed (so both medics might ban the vita saw or hippocrates, for example).

This system isn't complex and lacks some finesse, but it should still show trends when analyzing large sets of lobbies.

There's no need to ban any "obviously" OP items (set hats, for example) because they'll come out in the data [and the goal is to tweak these items, anyway, not simply disallow them from comp lobbies], and well regarded items (such as gunboats) will not likely be banned because a soldier wouldn't want to prevent himself from using them.

posted about 11 years ago
#85 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't had any trouble seeing who has the intel, and didn't experience any particle bugs. Thanks so much and awesome work. This is so much better than just a 4 slot server.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

Bball it is having the bug again where no one can pick up the intel. This happens on both 1v1 and 2v2 arenas. BTW klanana in the long run I think this multi-court map will be much, much better, just need to work out the kinks. Should make it easier to just drop in and drop out of bball play.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

I just played v2 and red couldn't score on any of the 1v1 arenas.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 How often do you update your hardware? in Hardware

I think I get a new processor about every 3 years, and a new video card every year or so. Mostly that's because I've had reasons to build several lower power systems so I take an existing video card for that purpose and then get a 200 dollar card for the gaming pc.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Sorta retiring in TF2 General Discussion

I watched your videos hundreds of times with my wife. I'm sorry now we only used 1 screen =(

posted about 11 years ago
#20 TF2 Daily? What do you think? in TF2 General Discussion

If you wanted to review demos but still keep the program short, you could always review individual midfights or last pushes, or trim down the demos to their more important/interesting/instructive parts.

posted about 11 years ago
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