aieraTurboTabsalso if this is about deleting tftv accounts, just go back and edit your postsno disrespect but why do mods pretend this is the only answer when clearly accounts can be nuked
many of us have thousands of posts and it isnt easy to mass edit on bbcode forums
Site admin enigma put this as the answer to these sort of requests years and years ago, we've been echoing it ever since and no one on staff that i know cares to ask why he can't nuke them, i just always trusted he had good reason. You're free to try to ask him but i imagine enigma is spammed with invites and messages about this stuff (i know i am)
if i had to surmise possible reasons from what i know:
its not an easy task
it breaks stuff in the back end that then needs to be fixed
it takes up too much time and attention then enigma would like to put out