Why is 3/6 afraid of se7en?
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SteamID64 | 76561198009785131 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:49519403] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:24759701 |
Country | England |
Signed Up | December 3, 2012 |
Last Posted | December 29, 2024 at 5:22 AM |
Posts | 639 (0.1 per day) |
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SnackShow ContentI also didn't think Hipfire was particularly good at casting.
Sorry Hipfire :(
He was having a go at colour commentary, I agree his play-by-play is better
Also this was our mini-test of nuze on half time analysis. What did you think? worth exploring?
Sorry team! Was poking about in NodeCG. Caused the buggy overlay.
Maxi-why is muuki's class set as soldier?
tftv was not set up for game changing meta
Updated. Now with added meme
TurboTabs Out, Ombrack in
Hey guys, make sure you support Nunya's new youtube channel for their new small business!
CorbacBlitzo left and is replaced by blade.
The 3 nicknames finishing with -o + 3 others with -ac magic is over :(
OH is it? Look again dear child
EDIT: Fixed top5rocket too
Just to let everyone know who has messaged me, I may not have replied to your message but trust me that I got your message and it's been catalogued for review
Just to let everyone know. I've catalogued all of peoples interests in what fields and some have been passed on to a member of tftv that specialise in that field of interest. They will contact you at some point to interview / determine if you're fit for the role you requested. This includes people who have just replied on this thread that they are interested but did not send a pm to me via tftv website or steam.
Feel free to still apply as it's this is not a notice of closing recruitment.
teamfortress.tv is looking to continue to push the limits when it comes to creating high-quality TF2 content. To do this, we’re looking to recruit people! Each type of position will be marked with the region where we very likely need people.
Feel free to sign up for multiple spots, as well as being in reserve. Certain positions will require more commitment than other spots (as described), but if you're unsure about what we want, please ask.
ALL positions will require good communication and a positive attitude (in relation to the rest of the TFTV staff), and all positions are on a volunteer basis, so don't feel bad if you don't have the time or motivation for a project with no monetary element (however, we credit all our staff as much as we can!).
Producers (EU/NA) - Producers bring together the entire cast, combining audio, live graphics, and a game view to create a stream that is enjoyable to watch. Potential producers must have the ability to stream to Twitch at high quality (3000 bitrate upload minimum), and are recommended to have skill in managing the in-game camera.
Casters/Commentators (EU/NA) - Casters bring the excitement to a cast by hyping up the game as it happens and helping break it down. Potential casters must have a great understanding of the game and either a talent for calling the action as it happens or providing high-level insight into the game. If I can do it, who can't?
Writers (EU/NA) - Writers create articles and news stories that cover events related to the competitive TF2 community, including leagues, tournaments and roster transactions. Potential writers should have an understanding of the community and the topics they want to cover, and are recommended to have a portfolio for our evaluation but it is not required.
Video Producers (EU/NA) - Video producers create and edit videos that are used to promote events, combining audio, footage, and special effects to make truly compelling stories. Potential video producers should have experience with video editing, and are recommended to have a portfolio for our evaluation.
Organisers (EU/NA) - They are the glue they hold the pieces together. They coordinate all the pieces in a timely and effient manner to carry out matters like coverage, podcasts perhaps even lans! Potential organisers need to be motivated, vocal and a strong work ethic.
Maybe something else! (EU/NA) - If you feel like you're able to contribute in an interesting fashion, or have a specific talent you'd like to go towards helping us, feel free to apply!
Keep note! All of these positions are on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in joining the team, you can apply by sending a TeamFortress.TV PM to TurboTabs for eu applicants and Cornpop16 for NA applicants with the opportunities you are interested in and any relevant information to effectively determine your qualifications for the team. If you are interested in helping out and have talents that don’t quite fit into these positions, or have general ideas or feedback for how our productions can be improved, feel free to reach out to TurboTabs by TeamFortress.TV PM as well. Thanks for your interest and support.
No official plan
i'm the biggest tool ever and i forgot sonny black was there because he didn't have a webcam X_X