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Signed Up March 15, 2015
Last Posted December 3, 2022 at 1:50 AM
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#7 b4nny gets grounded in The Dumpster

What is the point of this video? Is it suppose to be funny? This video is embarrassing at best.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 banhappy 'Gold-IM pug' admins in TF2 General Discussion
Puppy21First of all, you should not have been in the PUGs in the first place. I get that we need to inforce this rule more and people can post complaints about people on my group discussion


Puppy21First of all, you should not have been in the PUGs in the first place. I get that we need to inforce this rule more and people can post complaints about people on my group discussion. I don't have to do everything right? Just help me out with the PUG group for once to make the group better, how about that? Don't just bitch about my decisions please.

First of all, stop posting. Seriously, just stop posting.

Second of all, any pug group with an ounce of self respect wouldn't dare let someone who has a history of hacking be an admin for their pugs. You are mid steel at best (even when you were using hacks) and it boggles my mind that you are allowed to be an admin for any pug group let alone a so called "gold- IM" group. Also comparing gold to IM is like comparing the top of open to the bottom of invite.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 hype in TF2 General Discussion

On the topic of DX9 v DX8:
There are some people who use it because they like the way it looks, so aside from those people, if we could get the same FPS if not better with DX9 that we get with using DX8 right now, we wouldn't mind switching to DX9. The problem is TF2 has terrible optimization.

TL;DR: We don't really care about what DX we are using, we just want good frames.

posted about 9 years ago
#84 ban the looser cannon in TF2 General Discussion
Quik✓ Bad looking viewmodel
✓ Frags are not impressive on fragvideos
✓ No proper airshots
✓ Anoys the shit out of everyone
✓ Whoever uses it is gay

You do realize that NONE of these are legit reasons for it to be banned right?

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Airshots in TF2 General Discussion

I found a map called tr_juggle that's basically the same as tr_rocket_shooting but just reskinned.

Maps like those are good for practicing really basic air shots, but it's probably better to practice them against other players who are strafing. Ultiduo and bball are the best 2 game modes to practice those kind of airshots imo

posted about 9 years ago
#115 What do YOU want for Christmas in Off Topic
thmpsnindecencythmpsnhow come half the shit in this thread is computer shit.. yall not want anything else in life?
someone is asking a bunch of people who play competitive video games what they want for christmas how the fuck are you surprised

thats like asking a bunch of cooks what they want for christmas and then get mad when they say new knives or more culinary supplies
im surprised that people here dont have anything in life away from a video game ya

Just because they want something for a computer doesn't mean that they don't have "anything in life away from a video game". Would you tell those same cooks that they "have no lives" outside of cooking because they want a knife for christmas? Seriously?

Anyways I want a computer that can run tf2 at more than 45 fps :C

posted about 9 years ago
#175 Donald Trump in World Events

I feel like Donald Trump just likes getting attention (even if it's negative), and one of the easiest and most successful ways to get attention is to say really controversial things that make a lot of people mad or disagree with you.

It's kind of the same mentality with shitposting I guess.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Girl at my school committed suicide in Off Topic
MankyPlavi telefon is a hotline exclusively for abused children and children issues.
I have been to psychologist few times, every time being diagnosed with depression, but im refusing to take pills to improve my mental health. I have been trying to escape reality with tf2, and it helps, but recently I just went straight downhill.

I started taking antidepressants this July and it was one of the best decisions I made. It didn't solve all my problems and stuff, but it really did help me. If you don't want to take them that's fine, but I would suggest you at least try them, if you don't like them you can always stop taking them, but from my experience they helped a lot.

If not then I think it's important that you talk to someone you trust about your feelings. It really helps to have someone who can just listen and give you a different perspective on things.

I went to see the movie Creed the other day, and there was a part in the movie that really stood out to me
Rocky Balboa: [pointing toward Adonis' reflection in the mirror] "That's the toughest opponent you're ever going to have to face, and I believe that's true in the ring but also in real life"

Stay strong man

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Girl at my school committed suicide in Off Topic

A girl who goes to my school tried to commit suicide on Monday and she passed away yesterday. I didn't really know her that well and only had her in my math class, but you never really think that something like this would happen until it really does... Anyone else have a similar story like this, I'm interested if anyone else has had something similar happen to them or someone they know

posted about 9 years ago
#143 TF2 update for 12/2/15 in TF2 General Discussion
wickedplayer494I'm personally glad that DX9 is a requirement. DX8 is extremely antiquated (it's from even before the Windows XP days). Sure you might complain "b-b-but my FPS!", but do you see CS:GO players playing on DX8 at Valve-sponsored tournaments? Didn't think so.

My laptop struggles to play TF2 at a constant 40 FPS, that is with dx 80, a insanely good FPS config, AND a resolution of 854x480, if I was forced to play on DX 90, tf2 would be unplayable for me

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Demo's Won't Upload Properly/ Fully? in Q/A Help

For the past few days I've been trying to upload different demos to different sites, but all of them have been glitching or not fully uploading or something.

For example:
Those are both the same demo, so I know it's not the website that I'm uploading it to. I can watch the demo's perfectly fine, but other people said the demo's stop after 3 seconds or cause their TF2 to crash.

The same thing happened when I tried to use http://www.igmdb.org/?page=render a couple of times to, the host of the site said when he tried to launch the demo with his TF2, it only played for 3 seconds then left. I have no idea what could be causing this, if anyone has any suggestions I'd be really grateful.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 This recent wave of "donation drives" in TF2 General Discussion
MattCVPerhaps the tftv add ons was a bad example, nowhere have I dismissed the value of what you do for the tf2 community.

I have already mentioned that there are donation drives I think are worthwhile and have put money towards them myself.

However this passive aggressive guilt trip post is a bit much in away, you should only be doing these things if you feel comfortable to do so and in a financial situation to do it as well.

Again you have done far more for the community than I ever will and this post wasn't really aimed at you, I had hazy memories of a donation drive for tftv personal and thought it was not in best taste.

However it should be clear in my responses that my point is to stop the whole "buy me a new PV or send me to an event i could easily afford to get too myself" type of donation drives.

Do you not realize that you've wasted at least 5 hours today trying to argue some point (I honestly don't know what you are trying to argue anymore) and that nobody seems to really agree with you.

like you aren't getting anywhere just stop posting it's not that hard

posted about 9 years ago
#21 How froyo beat nr according to WARHURYEAH in TF2 General Discussion
ghettofishyeah, smart playes by froyo, but they could of been better. see ash is great, BUT his dm is nowhere close to other invite scouts (he doesnt even main scout :| ), and clockwork just took shits on nerdrage because of the dm. Imagine what it could of been like if they had shrugger or cyzer with clockwork and banny could watch rock and the cliffside..

would of been quick 3-0.

If Donald Trump was a TF2 player, this is the kind of thing he would say.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 tf2center down? in TF2 General Discussion

Center is down again

posted about 9 years ago
#80 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/6/15 (Invasion Update) in TF2 General Discussion

You guys always complain about never getting updates, then when we get one, people complain about it because it's not Matchmaking. I'd rather have Valve take their time with TF2 matchmaking than have it be some half-assed thing that's full of glitches and other stuff when it gets released.

posted about 9 years ago
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