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Signed Up March 15, 2015
Last Posted December 3, 2022 at 1:50 AM
Posts 218 (0.1 per day)
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#45 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster

Has Donald Trump been teaching people how to shit post or something? I feel like the amount of shit posters has gone up in the past few months

posted about 9 years ago
#47 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster
sheepy_dogs_handAll he wanted was to have people play his last lobby with him. I can understand the dislike of cheaters but you are all being massive dicks about this. If it was a top player who has a better reputation here you would not be acting like this. You are all hypocritical cunts.

People here need to stop this mob mentality that goes on. Its worse than reddit.
im getting myself vac'd and banned on etf2l

This is enough reason to "mob on him.
You say "if this was a top player with a good rep you wouldn't act like this!", well what if someone from Froyotech turned out to be a cheater;
How do you think that would make the people that lost matches to Froyotech feel?
How do you think the fans of those players would feel?
How do you think the people who gave money to Froyotech to get them to lans feel?

It doesn't matter if you're a brand new player or have been in the top of invite for the past few years, if you cheat, you are an asshole and don't get to complain when people "mob" on you.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster

If you want to quit the game, just uninstall it or uninstall steam or whatever.
If you want to get VAC banned for cheating, there is no need to make it public.
This is like those people who post their entire personal lives on facebook fishing for likes
This just screams "GIVE ME ATTENTION" imo and should just be deleted.


posted about 9 years ago
#39 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

This guy is clearly hacking, and I'm not saying he isn't or trying to prove he isn't a hacker, but is it possible that if the logs were bugged, the accuracy and other parts of the logs would be bugged to?

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
barycenterSpaceGhostsCoffeeIt makes more sense to me that he did ~500 dpm and everyone did ~200, as opposed to him doing 1000 and everyone else also doing ~400 dpm. Then again he did get 40 headshots in 6 minutes so 1000 isn't totally unreasonable then.the logs are glitched (server probably had both tftrue and logstf), so not only are the damage numbers doubled, the headshot numbers are doubled as well

not saying that the guy in question isn't a hacker, though. pretty blatant just from looking at the logs

This guy added me to try me out for his HL team, (they "tried me out" by doing mge lol), and when I played against him he was an awful soldier and demo, but when he went sniper, all of his shots were headshots and he wasn't missing any of them. He claimed he was a gold HL sniper so yea...

He has 2 vac bans tho so

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Horrible Ping Issues only when I try and play comp in Q/A Help

Are you on WiFi or ethernet cable?

Have you tried setting TF2 to the highest priority on QOS?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 UGC Forums hacked? in TF2 General Discussion
brihgtI will never understand why people decide to do stuff like this during Christmas, a while ago, some people hacked Super Meat Boy's online section during Christmas too, and I'm sure there are tons of other examples as well. It just seems like a dick move to do this when everyone is trying to enjoy being with their family, and instead is having to deal with shit like this.

The people that do this often have some sort of severe mental health issues. People always say "hackers have autism xd", but in reality they most likely have some sort of severe depression or social awkwardness IRL and that carries over to the internet as well.

They get some sort of twisted high by making other people miserable/ inconveniencing them, and when people react to it, it makes them feel more worthwhile and or they like the attention they get from doing it.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Account Details Belonging to Someone Else in TF2 General Discussion

This is gunna be a really huge problem for Valve, this is their biggest data leak ever and idk if they have lots of experience in dealing with data leaks this large.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Razer Deathadder Chroma Problems in Hardware

How did you fix the synapse problem? I've been having the same issue with mines as well

posted about 9 years ago
#18 How to get all your frames back after Tough Break in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_Will57Rlast time a similar thing like this happened to me in tf2 i found out my cpu was running at 90c+
i know it sounds stupid but double checking cpu temp/missing drivers/hardware is a good idea

also disable steam cloud when reinstalling as it reloads your old cfgs
clear launch options and i can't think of anything else, hopefully something turns up
Last time my WHOLE pc went to shit was when my cpu fan wasn't connected properly and i was getting 98c core temps.

I should have mentioned that my core temps are stable right now and I don't think it's anything to do with hardware. I also tried reinstalling graphics drivers and such.
At the moment I'm reinstalling the entirety of tf2, i've backed up my class configs + autoexec + custom files. I'll launch tf2 on stock and see how it goes, then add my custom files and we'll just see from there.

EDIT Very small difference if not no difference. But I guess I'll just have to deal with it, I'm stumped.

I actually started having the same problem as you, I just tried opting in and out of the beta, if that doesn't work I'm gunna reinstall steam. I'll update this if I have to reinstall.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Glitch on product? in TF2 General Discussion

I was playing a lobby and my fps was dropping to 9 for some reason (I opted out of steam beta already so idk why it's dropping to 9 but anyways) so I disconected from the server and changed my resolution from 16:9 1366x766 to 4:3 640x480 and then when I rejoined the server this happened: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=581969960&tscn=1450882695

This happened before on a product lobby but I didn't change my resolution mid game to cause it, anyone know why this might happen and if there is a way to fix it?

posted about 9 years ago
#39 obvious hacker in mge in TF2 General Discussion

Just wondering, what would the motive be for hacking in mge? Are people THAT desperate to win at mge that they hack?

posted about 9 years ago
#11 How to get all your frames back after Tough Break in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_WillAfter changing fps configs (from Comanglia's Mid to Chris' maxframes), downgrading my resolution from 1920 x 1080 to 1280 x 720, updating my graphics drivers, opting in and out of the beta (again), verifying cache and lastly changing from windowed mode to Fullscreen mode, my fps has made a very very small difference.

Anyone got any new solutions that I have not tried yet? It would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Just tried Flame's method, that didn't make a difference at all either.

Have you tried reinstalling steam? For me uninstalling steam completely has fixed my FPS issues, but I would only do this as a last resort

posted about 9 years ago
#3 The Pyro Update Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

imo the nerfs were pretty fair... a lot of people on r/tf2 are pub/ trader mains and their opinions are irrelevant really

*edit: their not "if there"

posted about 9 years ago
#89 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

These changes are pretty huge and nice, and it will shake the meta up a little bit but not too much. I mean there really isn't anything to complain about, this update is like the update we dreamed of but never thought would come.

posted about 9 years ago
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