keepertonWorthless, failure, useless, pathetic, stupid, drug addict, the list just goes on and on...
Having this sort of thing in your profile description isn't going to help you recover. Surrounding yourself with more negativity is an awful feedback loop to be in, and is incredibly hard to pull yourself out of. I will say you need to do yourself some favors and, not ignore the problems, but not purvey them and make them the very center of your being. You are not an issue, so don't make yourself one. Having a break-up can be awful, and clearly is for you. You need a support group and something to derive meaning from in your life, or at least something that pushes you to keep going until you manage to gather some clarity of mind from healing.
I have no idea how old you are, but shit can get better, no matter where you are. It has to be worked for, even if you aren't working towards something directly.
That's true. I feel like I have a really good support group, but I don't really have any reasons to live. Stuff like friends/ family/ my future has never been enough to stop me, and since I don't really have any strong reasons to live I don't really have anything that's enough to motivate me to stop destroying myself